Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bahrain Targets - Doctors

Security forces of the despotic government of Bahrain are said to have abducted 32-Bahraini doctors.   The Massachusetts-based, Physicians for Human Rights, says the medics were all involved in treating the victims of state atrocities.

As doctors in Bahrain treat protesters and wounded civilians, they have seen evidence of the atrocities committed by the authorities,” the Massachusetts-based group said in an e-mailed report.

“This knowledge has made them targets. At least 32 health care professionals have been abducted over the past two months and are being held incommunicado by security forces.

In Syria, protest is also being met with state violence.  Al Jazeera reports that two Syrian MPs have quit over the ongoing killings of unarmed protesters by state security forces.   Obama has called the Syrian state murders "outrageous" but the Syrians say the US president simply isn't being "objective."  On Friday, Syrian snipers were said to have slaughtered 88-civilians.

As for Libya, senior NATO officials now admit the rebellion could be turning into a total quagmire.   While this would be disastrous for the Libyan people of all tribes, it could also imperil Libya's neighbours in the region.  Islamist extremists, particularly al Qaeda, are seeking to become established in the rebel forces.  That would place them on Egypt's western border.   The group has been quite open about seeking some way to get established in Egypt.

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