Friday, April 01, 2011

Iggy Calls Out Captain Weasel - Again

Poor Captain Weasel.   A couple of days back this jumped up excuse for a prime minister was struttin' his stuff, challenging the Liberal leader to a one-on-one, man to man, showdown at the OK Corral - to the death, winner take all.   Didn't old Uncle Lardass look all manly and all as he threw down the gauntlet?

Well Mr. SHarper didn't look too manly for too long after Mr. Ignatieff picked up that gauntlet and said, "anywhere, anytime."   It was the classic Bully Boy moment when the kid in the schoolyard has had enough and stands up to the punk and the Bully Boy takes off running as far and as fast as his stubby little legs will carry his pudgy torso.  "No, no, can't spare the time.   Best I get back to campaigning."  What kind of greasy punk is this guy, our prime minister?

I expect Steve was hoping that, like so many of his gaffes and scandals, it would quietly fall away and quickly be forgotten.  Maybe not this time.   The Liberal leader isn't letting Captain Weasel off the hook.   He's chasing him down.  Today Mr. Ignatieff issued an open letter telling Bully Boy, "I will meet you at a time and place of your choosing."

I don’t understand why you have gone back on your word, or why you would wish to disappoint Canadians,” he said.

As you stated, there are only two people who can be Prime Minister after May 2 – you or me. Canadians truly deserve to see us go face to face in a contest of ideas, values and very different visions for our country. That is what democracy is all about,” the Liberal leader stated.
 “There is no need for complicated or convoluted debate formats. Just two podiums – and you and me. A true, honest-to-goodness battle of ideas and visions,” he said.

It looks to me that the Weasel Man is cornered.   He can either take his chances with Ignatieff or wear this one every day for the rest of the campaign.  I don't think Bully Boy has much choice now but to debate Iggy one on one.  Harper's advisors have probably already figured out the point spread from what would almost certainly be a "no lose" event for Ignatieff.   For Harper, the best possible outcome might be foreclosing all hope of a majority while the worst possible outcome could just be the unthinkable.

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