Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Velvet Touch"? Oh, Come On.

When I heard about Jack Layton getting smeared about getting an innocent massage at a Toronto rub'n tug nearly twenty years ago, I thought it was just that - a smear.

I didn't know it was true until Jack's wife, Olivia Chow, told reporters that Jack had told her about it and his run in with police at the time, way back when.

That's when I began to wonder about this massage parlour.   When I practised in Vancouver there was one of these joints above a nearby restaurant we often frequented.    As I recall it went by the name of "Swedish Touch" and nobody remotely sentient had any doubt about what sort of touching went on in there.

Now there are plenty of legitimate massage therapists in Vancouver and, if they have a trade name at all, it's usually the therapist's own.  So that got me wondering just what was the trade name of the spot Jack frequented.  According to the Toronto Sun, the establishment went by "Velvet Touch."

Oh, come on.  Layton is allegedly caught in the room with an "attractive, 5'10" Asian woman" in the Velvet Touch?  Bringing it up at this point is a blatant smear job but, in my opinion, the ever sanctimonious Jack is as much to blame for that as anyone else.


  1. Seems like strong words to say you KNOW that it's true. I would suggest believe to be more fitting.

  2. Really? Well I never said I "know" that it's true. Jack's wife, however, seems to 'know' that it's true. What I 'believe' is that no guy who claims to be as savvy as Jack does can be taken at face value on this whopper.

  3. Hollie, you misread me. Had you spotted the previous item, "Shades of Grey", you would know that I consider all three mainstream parties utter failures. You're right in saying I'm not upset at Layton's apparent discretion. I simply find it amusing as I tend to whenever some pompous ass who basks in smug sanctimony tumbles off his high horse.

  4. And, by the way, Hollie. I can't begin to grasp why you think I would dismiss you as a "Christophobic bitch." You might be Islamophobic but I don't think you're Christophobic, do you? Really? Do you have a fear, a phobia, of Christianity?

    I really don't care about anyone's preferences in religious superstitions. That said, I abhor religious extremism of all stripes, the sort of fascism that gets expressed in Islamic, Jewish and Christian fundamentalism.

  5. i wouldn"t vote NDP with Layton.. but if this is true about Jack why does the media not go after Harper and his todo with with The Northern Foundation, Heritage Front and both involved with Nazis., instead.

  6. "Really? Well I never said I "know" that it's true."

    But you did.

    "I didn't know it was true until "

    I only read one article with Jack's wife, and it said she knew he was there and that the police were there. It didn't say she knew of any wrong doing. I'm not saying it did or didn't happen as our version of Fox news wants us to believe it did. I don't know. I'm going with the innocent until proven guilty method.


  8. Ma'am, if you are under the impression that the Democrats are on the Left in the sense that the Republicans are on the Right, you really shouldn't yet be voting in any country in the world other than the United States.
    Most other countries still have some vague idea what being "on the Left" means, but the United States lost the concept decades ago. By any normal standard worldwide, the Democrats are a right wing party--firmly dependent on corporate donations, solidly determined to act on the requests of corporate lobbyists, certainly more anti-labour, anti-government-intervention and pro-"free"-market than the furthest right party in places like Germany, France or Italy. They're relatively secular compared to the Republicans, but that's not really a left/right issue. If you still think the Democrats are on the left, you haven't acclimatized yet.

    Note one key difference between the NDP and either the Democrats or, say, the Liberals: The NDP do not accept and have never accepted corporate donations. What makes Layton "sanctimonious" is that he doesn't get countermanded by corporate bosses any time he thinks of a policy that will help actual people. To people determined to settle for less, positive policy like that is either naive or sanctimonious, and since Layton's clearly an experienced politician it must be sanctimonious. Sanctimonious is just another word for "Didn't sell out".

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