Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dumb As Paint

Today's Dumb as Paint award goes out to Brock Anton for helping Vancouver Police by confessing to assaulting a police officer and destruction of property.  Brock, be sure to ask if they have special cells for dummies.

Here's a better look at Brock - Facebook Brock and Street Riot Brock.  Makin' history.  Oh yeah.

Way to go Brock, you complete moron.


  1. Mound, is there a link to accompany the surveillance society image on the side of the blog, it has intrigued me...

    And on topic, yes this guy is stupid...

  2. For sure a Conservative voter

  3. Jim, you can find it at the ACLU web site

    BY, yeah I'm sure his parents will be proud when the little bugger hits them up for his lawyer's retainer.

    Steve, you might just be right. There is a measure of raw anarchy in today's movement conservatism.

  4. Seems that Brock has been arrested. Your prediction I suspect is spot on, MoS.

  5. I think any jury would convict the guy just for wearing those damned awful sunglasses! Guilty, Guilty, Guilty.
