Sunday, February 12, 2012

Check This Out

Want a good idea of what's happening in our world?  Two views of the same spot in Shanghai, one as it was in 1990, the other as it was just 20-years later.


  1. That is absolutely shocking. Human beings seem to be allergic to green open spaces...

  2. Maybe we could contrast with Detroit.

  3. You might find 2012 Detroit looks very much like 1992 Detroit only with fewer lights on in the buildings. Ever since the riots of July, 1967 large parts of that city have looked like a war zone. Over the next couple of decades the downtown was evacuated as business and employment moved to the exurbs. It still ticks along like the municipal equivalent of a patient on a respirator.

  4. Looks to me as though there has also been a lot of infill of the waterway in Shanghai.

    I came across this website a few months ago. Interesting and sad photos of what has happened to many homes in Detroit. Where did the residents end up?

  5. Thanks for that link. Those photos brought back memories. As you can see, not all of the derelict houses were low-end. Many were once quite elegant and upper middle class. Their predominantly white owners left when their neighbourhoods began to become integrated. The race riots fueled abandonment. That was compounded by the standard "rust belt" stagnation and the flight of the middle class to satellite cities well removed from the city and industrial core.

    One telling aspect from those photos is the number of derelict properties with vacant lots on either side. That seems to be the way these collapses evolve.

    At some point the city is going to have to address this and consolidate its neighbourhoods, massing the empty capacity into parks or even plot gardens. That, I understand, is already underway.

    Detroit is like an open sore yet it exists in the midst of a beautiful region of rolling farmland, forests and lakes. It does have options for reinventing itself, backing away from its dangerous dependence on the auto industry.

  6. The real reason for Detroit's downfall

  7. Yeah, right Dunno. It's totally unsurprising you would believe that simplistic crap. By the way, have the Sri Lankans shown up to take your job for minimum wage yet? According to my sources up there they're on their way. I'm sure with your political bent you'll be happy to accept $10 an hour. Ha, ha, ha.
