Friday, September 21, 2012

We Need More Andrew Weavers, A Lot More

Leading Canadian climate scientist, Andrew Weaver, will be running for the British Columbia Green Party in next year's election.

Here's hoping Dr. Weaver inspires his colleagues to follow his lead.  It would be great if the Greens could put up a scientist in every riding, federal and provincial, to put the environment and global warming on the debate agenda and to discuss these issues intelligently with the voting public.

It would be terrific to see other candidates, not just Conservatives but also Liberals and NDP, squarely under the gun defending their parties' climate change policies against a credible member of the scientific community.   We get plenty of electoral greenwashing these days, far too much, and our nation is running out of time and options.

The Tories have already taken Mulcair to the woodshed over his carbon policy and the Libs seem divided, wobbly and unable to present a coherent, meaningful climate change policy.   The Conservatives, despite EnviroMin Peter Kent's poorly manicured denials, is in league with Big Oil in the creation of a true petro-state.

We'll have to wait until next year to see how effective Professor Weaver proves to be in shaping the debate in the riding he contests.
Even if he doesn't win, campaigning for the Greens and shaping the debate can be a genuine victory for the Greens and for Canada.

Even if the Greens can't get enough scientists to run everywhere they could run strategically.   Imagine having Andrew Weaver run in Calgary against Harper and challenge him to debate his government's record on climate change and its policies for the future.   Target Harper, target Kent, target Mulcair and whoever winds up leading the Libs.     Get into their ridings.   Force them to deal with reality.

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