Sunday, February 03, 2013

Remembering Peter

Here on the coast we're gearing up to fight the Northern Gateway and Kinder Morgan bitumen pipeline threats.  It's pretty obvious that, Conservative, New Democrat or Liberal, we'll be standing against Ottawa on this.

The Tar Sands are an abomination to Canada and Alberta in particular and a sad reflection of failed politics, federal and provincial. 

The last great politician to come out of Alberta, Peter Lougheed, knew that everything we're doing with Athabasca bitumen today is simply wrong.

Lougheed did not hesitate to criticize his Conservative successors for their greed-driven folly and recklessness.  He knew they were charting a path to impoverish Alberta and its people.   Yet his successors, Getty, Klein, Stelmach and Redford, wouldn't listen.   Steve Harper won't listen either and, by all appearances, the next federal Liberal leader won't either.

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