Sunday, March 17, 2013

Is It Just Me?

When the photos began coming in of Sarah Palin's appearance at this year's CPAC conference, something seemed amiss.

Sure five years have passed since Palin was the heartthrob of angry old white dudes backing John McCain's bid for the presidency.   We've all gotten a little older and worse for wear since then.  But was that really it?

Then a thought crossed my mind.   Is that really pop in that cup she's holding or might she have snuck in a half quart of Jack to help pass the time before she took the stage?


  1. To me, Mound, those pictures are emblematic of the deep decline of the Republican Party nut faction.

  2. Looks like a bad botox injection, but the worst part is slurping on a diabetes inducing super sized characterization of what she represents.

  3. The woman just doesn´t have any class.

  4. She is sucking on that slurpee like she hasn't had anything to eat or drink for a week......what a sad sight this Repub icon has become. I guess that is what money, fame and insecerity gets you.
