Tuesday, April 30, 2013

You're Not the Chamber of Commerce, You're the Government.

Canada's business community has the understandable view that the Harper government is the handmaiden of commerce.   And so, when the conservative government was caught out over abuses of the temporary guest worker programme and had to enact modest reforms, that set the business types to howling in indignation.

Doesn't this government understand that filling jobs with cheap foreign labour pads the bottom line?   The Chamber of Commerce (corporate sector) had a warning for the Chamber of Commerce (Harper sector) and the Canadian public - stand up to us and these businesses will leave Canada entirely.

“What is being proposed by the government today is not in the interest of Canadian business,” the Canadian Chamber of Commerce said in a statement shortly after the changes were announced.

“It’s frustrating to see Canadians underemployed. It would be worse to see whole communities damaged because a key employer relocated elsewhere.”

What are these guys, B-movie extortionist hoods?  "Nice community you got here.   It would be a shame if anything happened to it."

Here in British Columbia we've had the Chamber of Commerce running our legislature for a dozen years.  Their capture of political power - at the federal and provincial levels - is a growing threat to our democracy and the future of our children.


  1. Barely a pause in the TSX in reaction to the Enemy at the Gates.

    With Investment banks awash in QE cash, why worry?

    Would you happen to remember which of your posts included the quote from Greenspan on keeping the masses feeling threatened and insecure? I looked for it earlier but couldn't find it.

  2. It's all over for the little guy. The Chamber of Commerce has taken over, see?


  3. Anon 9:23, here's the link


  4. The bastards have outsourced Canadian jobs to foreign labour wherever possible. Now for jobs that aren't readily offshored they want to import cheap foreign labour into Canada. Outsource what you can, insource what you can't outsource.

    That's what happens when a government surrenders sovereign control over its markets.

  5. Add to the mix the following and we have a mix for disaster.CBC News Senior Correspondent, Neil Macdonald
    There are generous and not so generous ways of describing the 13 central bankers who get together every two months to chart a course for the global economy. But whatever you think of their private meetings in Basel, Switzerland, their power is undeniable .. and their decisions will affect your job, your mortgage, your retirement plans and your future.
    The CBC's Neil Macdonald has been investigating them. His work is on CBC online and in a documentary called "Monarchs of Money" which airs tonight on The National on CBC TV. Neil MacDonald was in Washington, D.C.
    This segment was produced by The Current's Jessica deMello. From the "Current" April 29, 2013.
    Regarding bringing in foreign workers.....not only does business get to pay workers below wage standards, they also get rewarded with government grants to build housing for these foreign workers who then pay the remainder of the mortgage. Recently while in Mexico, I listen to a group of women in their early fifties trying to deal with having been laid off in Toronto while foreign workers were replacing them

  6. Thanks for the link Mound. I'm glad you have such a good memory. I meant to bookmark it as it says so much about the system the Oligarchs and Bankers have designed and implemented on the unaware.

    A powerful statement of arrogance and audacity that I think even the not so astute would be shocked by it. A game changer so to speak, like Romney's 47% video.

    Here's an interesting read that speaks briefly on the US Federal Reserve, and Greenspan too.


  7. Anyong, I watched the Monarchs of Money episode on CBC last night and followed up on the website later. One of the things I thought was most significant was his interview with Mark Carney, who was on the defensive throughout, trying to justify the wholesale and reckless expansion of the money supply and virtual non existent interest rates.

    I've never been impressed with Carney or his policies, (read puppet) but that interview solidified my opinion. He was rude, cut MacDonald off and talked over him, was arrogant and smarmy. Just what I would expect actually, from a Banker boy with a bloated ego and the accompanying attitude that's prevalent among them. Like Manning said about Harper, they think they're the smartest guy in the room.

  8. Harper is the enabler for, greedy corporation to hire cheap foreign labor. Most of the time, they are untrained, with false credentials. Those people are working in our banks.Corporations are bottomless pits of greed. Everyone knows business has to make a profit. However, they want to make a killing. Corporations want to leave? Let's run them out, good riddance. Greedy corporations are forever, lining up at the trough and, squealing for more money. Harper just gave them, a $60 billion tax reduction. That shut them up for a few minutes anyway....until today that is. Harper steals from us, to give to, the wealthiest outfits in the world. We are fed right up with the lot of them.

    While we are at it, it would be a good idea to run Harper out as well. The Chamber of Commerce can leave too.They are nothing other than greedy trouble makers. We are fed up with their non-stop whining too.

  9. General Bull Moose lives, Mound!
