Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chomsky - Don't Let the Commons Be Devoured by Private Interests

Noam Chomsky delivered some blunt warnings at the Global Media Forum in Bonn.

One was that private capital is taking over everything, even the Global Commons. 

"The commons have been steadily dismantled by the principle that everything has to be privately owned." These were the words of American political critic Noam Chomsky at the Global Media Forum (GMF) in Bonn.

"Widely regarded as the intellectual father of the Occupy Movement, Chomsky spoke about the current conflict in Gezi Park in Istanbul, saying that "the protesters are trying to save the last part of the commons in Istanbul from the wrecking ball of commercial destruction." The renowned 85-year-old linguist and philosopher gave a lecture at the Global Media Forum entitled "Roadmap to a Just World - People Reanimating Democracy."

Chomsky emphasized that our last, best hope depends on our media actually changing course and doing its job at last.

Professor Chomsky asserted that the general public can only act when they are informed. He talked about the larger forces working in the background, especially those that endanger world peace. "Here the free press enters," he said. His closing message was to ask the media to "tell the truth about important things."

Chomsky's address begins at the 8:02 mark.


  1. Regarding media not doing their might be interested in this article from CBC's "As It Happens". It warms the cockles of the heart. "" PMO - Barrie Advance. A small Ontario newspaper turns the tables on one of Stephen Harper's employees who offers a story, but asks that it be attributed only to a "source"." It is a good listen. Go to "AS it Happens" click on episodes.

  2. I have followed the account of the Barrie Advance. What interests me is why the majors were lulled into agreeing to keep the source anonymous.


  3. The evolution of our politics and media in recent years makes me think of the twilight zone.

    As the descent continues, the only thing left to be answered is, which came first descent of politics or media? Chicken and egg quandary.

    That the great Canadian Flagships like the Globe were eager to breathlessly jump on the great Trudeau scandal that wasn't, and then tilt their lofty noses upward and walk away from the abuse of using the PMO to carry out the setup, is a clear indicator of the unprincipled scavengers both have become.

    They didn't object to joining in on the Ford bashathon I would note, which is a clear indication that they have no problem picking and choosing who or what they want to expose.

    Much to my surprise, the Globe did take a hard shift toward anti Conservative party articles for a short time, but have recently gone back to their old ways and have ignored a number of serious issues involving Harper's MP's, Ministers, CPC friends and affiliates. I counted 4 in just the last few days.

    I had to wonder if the sudden anti CPC shift had anything to do with Bell's CRTC and Astral issues?

    Another story of interest to some that's been largely ignored, except by the Citizen, is Jacobson finally agreed to be extradited to the US.

    Canadian Justice officials stated they don't get involved in those negotiations. How odd?

  4. @ Anon. There are many ways to lie and deceive. What a news organization chooses to report and what it ignores is a powerful one. That can be even more manipulative than outright lying.

    I have long sensed that the hallmark of our transition from broadly-based media ownership into today's corporate media cartel was the abandonment of news as information and the substitution of news as messaging, a valuable commodity as a tool to shape public opinion.
