Monday, August 12, 2013

Did Senator Pam Try to Cook Her Expenses Records?

Nothing says "guilty" more than getting caught tampering with the evidence.   Will the defendant please rise?  Yes, Ms. Wallin, that'll be you.

Apparently, Senate expense-scandal auditors, Deloittes, believe the senator from Wadena tried to doctor some of her spending records.  The auditors' report is expected to be made public tomorrow.


  1. Wonder if the records contain any of the infamous Reform NOT's scratched over some of the 3-6 figure claims. Seems puzzling though that it takes a scandal and an audit to figure this stuff out.

  2. I watched her yesterday explaining it all away, Mound. Apparently, the answer is simple, according to Ms Wallin: Deloitte is incompetent. End of discussion.

  3. Lorne, as I mentioned on my blog it is Nixonian syndrome, "I am not a crook." It is common syndrome for many politicians.

  4. does the retroactive thing work with all of this?

  5. In circumstances were deceit and an accountability prevail telling the truth is seen as insubordination and incompetence. This is what we see at all levels of government. No one should be given a free ride for life, but to then cheat for more money, is unconscionable. Based on recent observations, the Senate as it exists, should be abolished.

  6. I strongly urge you to rethink your support for abolition, Sag. Why must we always be duped into doing Harper's bidding?

    There is a role for the senate, an important role in overseeing government, curbing the excesses of the ruling party and recommending amendments and legislative proposals of its own.

    To fulfill its intended and necessary role, however, the senate must be properly constituted with experienced, accomplished individuals representing the full spectrum of Canadian society. There will always be some patronage but every Liberal and Progressive Conservative prime minister was willing to cross party lines. The only Progressive Conservative senators still sitting were appointed by Liberals.

    Harper, in a repeated demonstration of his total contempt for our country and our institutions has debased the senate by turning it into a sty to house his herd of third-rate Conservative hustlers, hacks and hangers-on. No one other than Conservative water carriers gets in and just looking at their biographies reveals what this character has done.

    We know Harper wants the senate gone. What better way to garner support than to leave it gored and bleeding? That is precisely what he has done and now he wants you to complete his work.

    Harper's main goal was always to permanently shift Canada's political centre well to the right and here again our opposition parties did his bidding. The Liberals became and remain Conservative Lite while the NDP followed to occupy what had been the political centre.

    That's the magic of Stephen Harper. He pulls the strings and we dance.
