Thursday, August 29, 2013

Speaking of Crazies Bursting Into Flames

You may have caught the video of a U.S. embassy staffer in Malta going ballistic at a Maltese motorist with a tirade of threats and profanity.  Apparently whatever got to him is spreading quickly south of the border.

Consider this guy,  Ayo Kimathi, an employee of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.   Off-duty, Kimathi does his bit for American security by hosting an anti-gay, anti-white, race war web site. 

Hauled on the carpet, Kimathi, a.k.a. "The Irritated Genie", told his bosses the website is strictly entertainment and a vehicle for selling concert and lecture videos.

Kimathi's site is not in this vein of this imagined threat — on the contrary, War on the Horizon calls Obama a "a treasonous mulatto scum dweller," and lists him among the movement's enemies (also on the list? Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, and Condoleezza Rice, among others) Instead, the DHS employee advocates for:

  • The mass murder of white people. His site says, "warfare is eminent, and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our christian hearts can possibly count."
  • A conspiracy theory arguing that white people are trying to "homosexualize" black men in order to make them more effeminate and therefore weaker. As part of this, Kimathi, praises a series of laws in some African countries that criminalize LGBT behavior and people. Kimathi also advocates for the supremacy of black men above black women — he offers tips on his site, for instance, "to help every Black woman in the world understand what she needs to do to keep a strong Black man happy."
  •  But ex-Homeland Security employee Kimathi doesn't hold a candle to ex-Gilberton PA. police chief Mark Kessler.   He got his 15-minutes of fame by posting YouTube videos of himself firing machine guns and pistols while abusing liberals and making veiled threats to Gilberton councillors who sacked his sorry ass.

In his first video, Gilbert launched into a blistering bout of vulgarity as he used municipal weapons and ammunition to pepper zombie targets that he named for a councillor he really doesn't like.  He followed that up with this apology.  Same warning.

Oh yeah.  "Chief" Kessler also sits on the county school board.

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