Saturday, November 23, 2013

Guess Who Came Out in Defence of Rob Ford? Bill Maher.

From last night's season finale.  Bill Maher sticks up for Rob Ford.


  1. I was annoyed by missed a whole whack of reasoning. But the woman on the panel...cleared up some obvious pts.

  2. Bill Maher is an idiot. He makes many idiotic statements and this is not the first one. He can have cracked Rob Ford for his city as a mayor.

  3. Seems to be missing the whole point, like a lot of people, including Ford himself. It's not about the drugs, it's about a) lying about everything, and b) being in a drunken stupor and out-of-control. I would not want to have anyone that admits to that in control of anything.

  4. Bill did say he didn't know much about Toronto politics, so cut him some slack. But Bill was right in the sense that people were not as vocal in criticizing the Mayor's record, as they were in his depraved drug-induced floundering.
