Wednesday, November 06, 2013

The Next American Revolution Could Be As Disastrous As It Seems Inevitable

Most of us have a hard time imagining a second American revolution.  Yet some thinkers, like Chris Hedges, see mass revolt as not merely a possibility but an eventuality.  As he has done before, Hedges warns that such an uprising might usher in a revolutionary state more fascist. more brutal than America today.

As long as most citizens believe in the ideas that justify global capitalism, the private and state institutions that serve our corporate masters are unassailable. When these ideas are shattered, the institutions that buttress the ruling class deflate and collapse. The battle of ideas is percolating below the surface. It is a battle the corporate state is steadily losing. An increasing number of Americans are getting it. They know that we have been stripped of political power. They recognize that we have been shorn of our most basic and cherished civil liberties, and live under the gaze of the most intrusive security and surveillance apparatus in human history. Half the country lives in poverty. Many of the rest of us, if the corporate state is not overthrown, will join them. These truths are no longer hidden.

It appears that political ferment is dormant in the United States. This is incorrect. The ideas that sustain the corporate state are swiftly losing their efficacy across the political spectrum. The ideas that are rising to take their place, however, are inchoate. The right has retreated into Christian fascism and a celebration of the gun culture. The left, knocked off balance by decades of fierce state repression in the name of anti-communism, is struggling to rebuild and define itself. Popular revulsion for the ruling elite, however, is nearly universal. It is a question of which ideas will capture the public’s imagination.

Revolution usually erupts over events that would, in normal circumstances, be considered meaningless or minor acts of injustice by the state. But once the tinder of revolt has piled up, as it has in the United States, an insignificant spark easily ignites popular rebellion. No person or movement can ignite this tinder. No one knows where or when the eruption will take place. No one knows the form it will take. But it is certain now that a popular revolt is coming. The refusal by the corporate state to address even the minimal grievances of the citizenry, along with the abject failure to remedy the mounting state repression, the chronic unemployment and underemployment, the massive debt peonage that is crippling more than half of Americans, and the loss of hope and widespread despair, means that blowback is inevitable.

“Because revolution is evolution at its boiling point you cannot ‘make’ a real revolution any more than you can hasten the boiling of a tea kettle,” [anarchist Alexander] Berkman wrote. “It is the fire underneath that makes it boil: how quickly it will come to the boiling point will depend on how strong the fire is.” 

This is where we are headed. I do not say this because I am a supporter of revolution. I am not. I prefer the piecemeal and incremental reforms of a functioning democracy. I prefer a system in which our social institutions permit the citizenry to nonviolently dismiss those in authority. I prefer a system in which institutions are independent and not captive to corporate power. But we do not live in such a system. Revolt is the only option left. Ruling elites, once the ideas that justify their existence are dead, resort to force. It is their final clutch at power. If a nonviolent popular movement is able to ideologically disarm the bureaucrats, civil servants and police—to get them, in essence, to defect—nonviolent revolution is possible. But if the state can organize effective and prolonged violence against dissent, it spawns reactive revolutionary violence, or what the state calls terrorism.

Violent revolutions usually give rise to revolutionaries as ruthless as their adversaries. “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster,” Friedrich Nietzsche wrote. “And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
Violent revolutions are always tragic. I, and many other activists, seek to keep our uprising nonviolent. We seek to spare the country the savagery of domestic violence by both the state and its opponents. There is no guarantee that we will succeed, especially with the corporate state controlling a vast internal security apparatus and militarized police forces. But we must try.
Corporations, freed from all laws, government regulations and internal constraints, are stealing as much as they can, as fast as they can, on the way down. The managers of corporations no longer care about the effects of their pillage. Many expect the systems they are looting to fall apart. They are blinded by personal greed and hubris. They believe their obscene wealth can buy them security and protection. They should have spent a little less time studying management in business school and a little more time studying human nature and human history. They are digging their own graves.

It is not hard to believe that the precursors of revolution exist in 21st century America.   In American society the warnings of a malignant inequality are nearly constant and widespread yet not one single government, not the federal government, not one state government is raising a finger to arrest its spread even though most inequality is a creature of legislation.  That is the telltale evidence of government captured by corporatism.

It is this corporatist coup that has been so instrumental in transferring wealth from the many to the very few, the richest of the rich.  In so doing it has impoverished the American people.  Former president Jimmy Carter recently observed that today's middle class resemble the poor in the pre-Reagan era.

Naomi Klein recently wrote advocating revolt as the essential means to tear down corporatist barricades erected to thwart action against climate change.

While Hedges, Carter and Klein focus on the ills that beset the United States, we need not be smug about the health of democracy in Canada.   Today's Conservatives, Liberals and New Democrats all harbour, in varying degrees, an acceptance of corporatism.   If they speak of inequality at all it is in mumbles and murmurs.  Not one of them will address the force that anchors Canadian corporatism, the corporatist media cartel.


  1. it's not paranoid to think that we inform at our own peril

  2. A quote by Thomas Jefferson that I'm seriously considering taking on as a tatoo:

    "When injustice become law, rebellion becomes duty."


  3. I hear that, Al.

    Neil, if you go ahead with that, try to get the tattoo positioned where it won't be obvious to some American customs officer.

  4. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. JFK

  5. I'm not familiar with that line, Em, but it sounds like something Kennedy might have said in connection with his Alliance for Progress initiative.
