Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The NSA's New Weapon - Porn

It's a powerful weapon to use against Islamist extremists - details of their online porn browsing.

The NSA has been collecting details about the online sexual activity of prominent Islamist radicals in order to undermine them, according to a new Snowden document published by the Huffington Post.

The American surveillance agency targeted six unnamed "radicalisers", none of whom is alleged to have been involved in terror plots.

One document argues that if the vulnerabilities they are accused of were to be exposed, this could lead to their devotion to the jihadist cause being brought into question, with a corresponding loss of authority.

As an example of vulnerabilities, it lists: "Viewing sexually explicit material online or using sexually persuasive language when communicating with inexperienced young girls."

The names of the six targeted individuals have been redacted. One is listed as having been imprisoned for inciting hatred against non-Muslims. Under vulnerabilities, the unnamed individual is listed as being involved in "online promiscuity" as well as possibly misdirecting donations.


  1. You'd think that a right-wing would rally against a drug abuser, drunk driver, woman beater and slacker at work. Yet Ford Nation shows no signs of abating.

    this could lead to their devotion to the jihadist cause being brought into question, with a corresponding loss of authority.
    Unless jihadist have a higher moral code, I don't see this working for the NSA...

  2. I think fundamentalist Islamism is a notch or two more prudish than the Ford Nation's standards.

  3. Nuthin' new about this. It wasn't new in J. Edgar Hoover's day either. Only thing different is the format.
