Tuesday, February 18, 2014

HarperLand Snubs the US EPA on Kinder Morgan.

When it comes to dilbit pipelines, the Harper government is in no mood to extend courtesies to potential troublemakers, even the American Environmental Protection Agency.

Harper's National Energy Board has rejected a request from the EPA for an extension of time to file a written request to participate in hearings on the Kinder Morgan bitumen pipeline.  The EPA said it wasn't aware of the February 12 deadline for applications.

Now you would think that maybe, just maybe, the EPA should be at those hearings given that the dilbit-laden supertankers that will haul Tar Sands bitumen will navigate a shared strait and thereby imperil the state of Washington.  And did I mention this is Canada's largest trading partner?

My guess is that Harper and his trained seal, National Energy Board, don't want the EPA calling "bullshit" on yet another rigged hearing.


  1. wow! what a dick! Harper isnt worried about obama...as why bother, Harper is planning on taken canada for another faux election and he knows obama wont be in charge much longer.

  2. It is amazing, Deb. Yet I doubt this will do much to help Canada with the U.S. Coast Guard evaluation of both pipeline proposals.

  3. "and he knows obama wont be in charge much longer." — sure Obama won't be running again, but as you know, the off-year Congressional elections are this year. If the GOP gets blown out of the water, then the US Congress will be Democratic-controlled, which means that the 2016 American Presidential election could supply a Democrat in the White House like Warren or Clinton that just won't play with Stevie. The point is, unless Stevie plans a putsch, time is not on his side.

  4. .. Mound.. we tend to give far too much intellectual credit to Harper et al .. They are dull, dogmatic & think the flat earth revolves around them.. and those telling what legislation should be deleted

    Think entitled Hudson Bay Factors.. whisky and smallpox blankets, tawdry trinkets for the savages.. that used to answer to the Queen.. but now answer to Big Carbon

    What's problematic.. you already know & understand. The so called Conservatives have taken over the justice and judicial systems and processes via their taxpayer funded law firms.. as well as Parliamentary protocols & legislative chicanery. Its all delay, ignore, deny, obstruct & litigate, whether pensions, vets, caribou, elections.. whatever..

    The USA and states like Washington, grind slowly, but like an elephant will crush Harper on tanker based extermination of Orca & wild salmon.. exports of toxic farmed salmon, carbon emissions, water rights, China, lumber, beef, grain, potash.. you name it..

    Maybe nobody has told Harper to shut the f up with the Albertawa whining about Keystone XL and watch the TV news re Obama's Sec of State John Kerry talking about flat earth believers, global warming sellouts & denialists.

    Maybe Harper, ethical Joe Oliver, toad Flaherty and oafs Clement & Baird didn't get the message.. yet. But when Obama, Biden and Kerry get truly serious about offloading surplus fracked energy resources into Canada.. where will Harper's 'green' ethical tar sand buddies be ...... ......

  5. Oh my, my. Ed, could you imagine America with Elizabeth Warren in the White House? Christ, the place would explode!

  6. Hey, Sal. We can hope the Americans will intervene diplomatically or force a showdown with Harper and his greasy minions. Washington State would be hammered by a tanker sinking on the southern route. It's not as treacherous to navigation as the northern route but there are millions of Canadians and Americans living and earning their livings in the immediate area.

  7. Why wasn't the EPA aware of the February 12 deadline for applications?

  8. Who knows but, judging by Harper's outrage at Obama's perceived tardiness over Keystone XL, it's likely that the Canadians didn't send an engraved invitation to the EPA.

  9. What's Harper afraid of--the EPA likey has an expert report that refutes the recent Kinder Morgan 'expert' report that suggested a spill probability frequency of 2300 YEARS..how will the US get even ?
