Thursday, October 23, 2014

Russell Brand Calls Out Stephen Harper

h/t reader Ron Wilton


  1. Were I still a classroom teacher, Mound, i would definitely incorporate this into my unit on critical thinking. You needn't agree with everything Brand says, but to reject his assessments out of hand on an emotional basis would be an affront to critical thinking.

  2. I can't help but think that in the bloated mind of Steve Harper that this is THE speech he's been chomping at the bit to make and feels that he has effectively locked down power in the 2015 election. What better way to win than "fightin' the terrorists so they don't "reach our shores".

  3. This new legislation, it seems was already written and waiting. If we can get conspiracy here for a minute, ....

  4. Actually, forget that last one which is now permanent. I was in no way suggesting that AnYone knew anything in advance. I'm not even sure if the guy who did this had thought this through until he woke up that morning. So, to be clear, .......very sorry to all the people who are suffering through this.

  5. Why is anyone surprised that after Canada and sideshow Steve jonesing for a war (any war actually) that there would be blowback?
