Thursday, January 15, 2015

Russell Brand Skewers FOX News

The idiots at FOX really have only themselves to blame for this.


  1. I love that you posted this - I posted his previous segment recently. He's clearly got his head around how the world works, yet there's a part of me that's sometimes a little embarrassed to share his videos because of the, let's say, enthusiastic way he presents material. He gives a different look and sound to intellectual discourse. I don't go where he goes spiritually, but, politically and environmentally, he gets it. And he's great at explaining the bullshit in a very accessible way.

  2. Yes, his frenetic delivery can be grating and sometimes allows little pause to reflect on what he's said. Some of his positions, such as "don't vote," are questionable but his ability to dissect events is impressive. I don't know what sort of a following he has but I have seen clips suggesting he gets under the skin of the FOX News crowd. Surely that's its own reward.

  3. I've always said to my close friends Marie and Mound that if we keep this shit up Earth will end up looking like Mars. So seriously I think Mars was probably like Earth a long long time ago and its inhabitants ruined it as well...

  4. "Watching this clip would be a good start." I can't get your link to the clip to work for some reason. It will not load it is stuck on "Loading Player"?
