Monday, February 09, 2015

Really Justin, Eve Adams?

She was a perfect fit for the Harper caucus.  She even hooked up with former Harpo mouthpiece Dimitri Soudas.  Then her political career went to hell and she couldn't even score a Conservative nomination anywhere.  And, to prove that politics is a linear process, Eve Adams has now hopped aboard Team Trudeau.

Oh, mein gott, where have we seen this story before?

If you're not familiar with the MP for - well, somewhere - here's a summary of her travails from the National Post last April.


  1. Listen, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so just shut up.

    Who knows, maybe she can "reform" herself.

    Take care and happy voting !


  2. Mein gott pretty much sums it up. Are Justin and the Liberal team really this stupid? Rhetorical question.

  3. I can't wait for the first episode of The Real Housewives of Ottawa, the one in which Eve demolishes a local gas station/car wash with her SUV and still manages to find time to bill her new party for makeup.

  4. I was watching Robert Fife's commentary on the big move, Mound. He says that the Conservatives are happy to be rid of Adams, but he also speculated that one of the reasons the Liberals accepted Adams is the fact that her fiance, Dmitri Soudas, has all kinds of dirt on the Conservatives that could prove embarrassing to harper as we get closer to the election.

  5. Very interesting, Lorne. Thanks. Yes, that would make sense but I think Soudas would have to dish it all out before JT allowed himself to appear in public with Eve.

    Maybe if Rahim had a treasure trove of dirt on Harper he could have negotiated something like this to salvage Helena's career.

    This story, if it bears out true, is the political equivalent of high treason yet it's also something that can befall bullies like Harper.

  6. "Are Justin and the Liberal team really this stupid?"

    I absolutely agree with Lorne. Eve is just a small player. Dmitri has the goods.

  7. She's a mole, plain & simple.
    Trudeau should just force her to sit as an independent.
    Yet another reason to question Justin's sense of judgement.

  8. A match made in heaven.

  9. I don't doubt for a moment that Stevie and his barely post-pubescent staff of cellar dwellers soiled themselves a bit when they realized that Dmitri is fully supporting Eve. She's not the star. She's just a vector for insight into the CPC game plan, which Dmitri helped craft.

  10. I can't help but wonder how much she knows about Mike Duffy.

    Another loss from cabinet and the shuffle of a deck comprised of Jokers and Knaves makes me hear the band playing Nearer My God to Thee.

  11. Rumley, I just checked to confirm that Soudas was gone well before the Senate scandal first erupted. He was gone in September, 2011. The Senate expense scandal (Brazeau, Harb, Wallin & Duffy) began in 2012.

    @ Anon 10:28 - The idea that she's a Harper mole is pretty far out there. I think Lorne is right. For JT to let her in, presumably with some deal on a riding to run in later this year, she must have come up with something very useful.

  12. All the Cons that steadfastly defended her in the past are now all attacking her.
    All the Liberals that rightly attacked her are now saying this is a good move...

    She is toxic and so is her boyfriend. I just shows that some care more about power than principles.
