Monday, April 27, 2015

The End of Trust. Life In the Surveillance State and the Deconstruction of Privacy.

A panel of British academics and experts furnish a very timely and necessary discussion of privacy, surveillance, ethics and the slow death of trust.  If you are genuinely concerned about such things it's worth watching.  If not, don't bother.


  1. This is one of the more intelligent discussions about privacy. Thank you for posting it.

  2. I'm pleased you found it worthwhile, Anon. I usually don't post these but this was part of an online course I'm doing and I found it very helpful so I thought it might interest others.

  3. Thank you for posting this discussion Mound.It is a subject that does concern me very much. They made some good points on this panel and the one that stood out for me was that "Privacy was a fundamental right, not a need." We now have a government who for the most part operates in secrecy and creates in secrecy, legislation that violates the rights of privacy of it's citizens. It was good to see the protests against bill C-51, but Harper and his regime will still push it through. A government monitoring it's citizens is only a step from actually interfering in their lives. One of the first rights to be destroyed in any totalitarian society is privacy. Privacy for the most part is considered a right only in free societies. The relationship between Canadian society and it's government under Harper has become semi-dictatorial and moving toward full dictatorial. Privacy is only valued by Harper as a tool of secrecy. The rights of Individuals in a democratic society mean nothing to him.
