Monday, August 31, 2015

Libs, New Dems - Harper Has You Right Where He Wants You, Attacking Each Other.

Make up your minds. Do you want to battle for second place or do you want to form the next government of Canada?

The Duffy Effect seems to have been short-lived and now you're in a slump with Harper catching up in the latest polls. Tom, Justin, if you don't want to saddle us with Harper again you better up your game, arrange some sort of cease fire, and turn your guns where we need them trained - on Harper.

Screw this up and you'll never - not ever - be forgiven.



  2. .. can you spell 'self serving' ?
    Harper wrote the book on it
    Now the NDP and Liberals
    will follow it to a 'T' ..
    .. major FAIL ..

  3. Wouldn't writing daily blogs calling the NDP leader the "Angry Beard" fall under the category of an attack? Just trying to get my bearings on this concept.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Well, Anon, you're obviously on the wrong post or off your meds. This is about Mulcair and Trudeau attacking each other. often in conjunction with a similar attack from Harper. I see that as a diversion that helps neither of them when they should be focusing on Harper, revisiting his record over the past decade and sticking him with it. Flattering as your attention seems, Anon, I doubt I have any bearing on that.

  5. @ Sal, yep, Shifty is a calculating conniver who remembers all too clearly how the PCs and Alliance leaders used to eviscerate each other to Chretien's great delight and advantage. Too bad Junior and Tommy Angry Beard weren't around to experience that. They look like a pair of chumps.

  6. I have written to both of them to stop that but they keep going at each other. I even wrote to the local Liberal candidate and told her this is why I won't be voting for her even though she is probably the best one running in this riding. Neither the NDP nor the Liberals nor their leaders understand that, in this election, their primary job is to slay the dragon harper. If they can't get rid of Harper nothing else they do or say will matter. With different leaders, both parties blew their chance a few years ago, for the same stupid reason. What's the matter with these guys?

  7. Gyor, like your newly arrived Liberal clone, you have nothing worthwhile to add so I'm telling you to clear off and I'll be deleting your comments if you don't.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. No, Anon, this is the best I can do. Just like Gyor - it's a matter of basic housekeeping and cyber hygiene - you're gone.

  10. Mound, I hope you don't go down the path of deleting comments. I don't think Gyor or myself were being vindictive in any way, merely critical. No maliciousness intended. And thanks for all the information.

  11. Seems strange coming from you. Isn't this where you also want them, the better for disaffection from both to make the Greens miraculously come up the middle?

  12. No, PLG. I want one of them to win this. I don't want them slagging each other, potentially driving away voters, when they need to use that time and effort to take down Beelzebub.

  13. Anyong said...."No Joking".

  14. Funny you should write about this today Mound. I just wrote to the Libs asking more or less why they are not going after Harper.If NDP and Libs keep at each others throats, they may well be handing Harper 4 more years. What's so frustrating is watching the sheer ridiculousness of it and not being able to change it.

  15. Pamela Mac Neil

    Funny. I would have said the same to the Dippers, because they NEVER seem to miss a chance to slice at the Libs wherever I hear them, even on those CBC panels, even when the Libs don't swipe at them and instead focus on Harper. I've been watching this pattern for a VERY long time, and the NDP have ALWAYS kept at least as much focus on the Libs as Harper, this year might be the least they have ever done and it still is way too much. I'm not saying the Libs don't do some of it, but at least some is clear reaction/defensive in nature and not as the initiators, and that for me is noteworthy.

    I agree we could see yet another split, but again, which side seems to spend more of its time on the other, it is not an even balance between the two from everything I've seen over the last decade up to this election. Also, the Libs, as the third party at the moment have to go after both, so the fact they aren't doing it even more extensively than they could and arguably should be indicates they are trying to get their message out yet trying to avoid that split happening again.
