Thursday, December 31, 2015

Oh Yeah, They're Just Wonderful - Until Some Dickhead Decides to Smoke in Bed

It's not the tallest building in Dubai. That, the world's tallest skyscaper, the Burj Khalifa, is nearby. However the fire raging along 20-stories of the neighbouring tower is still pretty impressive.

Authorities say that, so far, the fire is on the outside and crews are trying to keep it from getting inside. I'm figuring they've got their work cut out for them.


  1. It should collapse as they did in Manhattan.

  2. Good thing its not made of wood, like that Liberal sponsored one in Prince George. Whatever happened to THAT scandal?

  3. Coincidentally, I just came across this which they probably could make good use of today.

  4. I am impressed at this upwelling of brotherly love for our cousins in Dubai. Ah, go figure, eh?

    Happy New Year everyone! Maybe next year we'll be downing Dom at the Burj.
