My American son-in-law is a fierce supporter of Bernie Sanders. Like many young, educated Americans he sees Sanders as a "last chance"hope for reform. Chris Hedges doesn't see it their way.
The Democrats, like the Republicans, have no interest in genuine reform. They are wedded to corporate power. They are about appearance, not substance. They speak in the language of democracy, even liberal reform and populism, but doggedly block campaign finance reform and promote an array of policies, including new trade agreements, that disempower workers. They rig the elections, not only with money but also with so-called superdelegates—more than 700 delegates who are unbound among a total of more than 4,700 at the Democratic convention. Sanders may have received 60 percent of the vote in New Hampshire, but he came away with fewer of the state’s delegates than Clinton. This is a harbinger of the campaign to come.
Do Sanders’ supporters believe they can wrest power from the Democratic establishment and transform the party? Do they think the forces where real power lies—the military-industrial complex, Wall Street, corporations, the security and surveillance state—can be toppled by a Sanders campaign? Do they think the Democratic Party will allow itself to be ruled by democratic procedures? Do they not accept that with the destruction of organized labor and anti-war, civil rights and progressive movements—a destruction often orchestrated by security organs such as the FBI—the party has lurched so far to the right that it has remade itself into the old Republican Party?
Short calling for open revolution, Sanders has to try.
ReplyDeleteThat aside, if Clinton gets the nomination, we're definitely screwed. She along with all the other right-wing candidates in the Republican Party are definitely part of the establishment - the very thing that stands in the way of forward progress on a number of issues; tackling global warming being #1.
ReplyDeleteHedges is convinced that America is already in a pre-revolutionary state. He doesn't relish the idea given how revolutions generally go from bad to worse to horrible before they evolve into something stable. Unfortunately I believe he's right. Wish I didn't.