Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Rick's Rona Rant

From last evening's RMR

 I take the piss out of Ambrose, referring to her as "Mona," but Mercer has a habit of calling her "Ronna" as in Donna. Charming.


  1. That's apparently how she pronounces it herself.

    It's actually Ronalee too.

  2. Yup, correct. She pronounces her own name Ronna.

  3. I think we should call her by her full name. Ronalee.

  4. Ronna Lee Ambrooose from southern Alabaaama?

  5. .. Rona as in 'Raw-na' .. or bwana or oiranha .. Thanks, Rick Mercer in fine form.. ! I have it from @kady the intrepid pixie of Parliament Hill that she spotted that rarest and most reclusive of the species - political animal - in the House, Monday, for the vote on a 'Conservative' motion regarding Energy East. So brief an appearance to stand and say 'aye' that no other Mainstream Media spotted the churlish critter from Calgary Heritage! A master of camoflage the frumious beast can disguise its porky bulk as an empty chair.. or pass for a Canadian public servant, so skilled and glib is its mimicry!

    The lesser examples of the poxie specie labor at such disguise, having failed to employ lamprey type remoras to arrange all public appearances for preening time, feeding time or subsequent sly attacks upon their unwitting prey.. Thus the female of the species clucks too loudly during her attacks & the lesser males bray & fart in their inexperienced lunges

    Its possible this country will have to get by with brief appearances like this.. and the rare warcry of the single word 'aye' croaked from an apparently empty seat. We'd do well to insist a clever trap be put in place.. that if and when the scurrilous & creeping gasbag is ensnared, we can have it stuffed in a transparent hall of shame. a glass house so to speak for all to wonder at.. the appropriate plumage for its exhibition of course.. stark naked emperor mode.. as the pitiless parasite strutted successfully for 10 years in public in such flaunting disregard and narcissism..

  6. No Rick, the last ten years weren't just all a dream, it was a nightmare!!!
