Saturday, March 19, 2016

Oh, Just Once.

But, alas, it is never to be. This amazing photograph from The Guardian shows freediver Marianne Aventurier swimming alongside sperm whales off the coast of Sri Lanka.

What a moment, a lifetime memory, that would be. While I enjoy ocean swimming, I decided a few years back to forego long distance jet traveling and, yes, for environmental reasons. It's not like I'm deprived. I had more than my share, way more, of jet setting back when the world was a more interesting, beautiful place. I can still take delight in images like this.


  1. The one-way flight to Central America from Vancouver requires ~150 L of jet fuel per person. 2-3 car tanks of gas, not that much.
    World is always interesting and beautiful...

  2. We see it differently, A..non. Non-essential air travel is just another custom that needs to be reined in. I don't feel deprived because I've had more than my share of travel, east and west, north and south. Those were the days before there was a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet within eyeshot of Anne Hathaway's cottage or a McDonald's on Red Square and when you were free to stroll through Stonehenge at daybreak. That world isn't coming back.

    I don't begrudge young people the opportunity to travel while that option is still available to them. It's their turn.

  3. I see no difference between non-essential air travel and non-essential other travel/activity which burns hydrocarbons. Very little in life is essential anyway...
    P.S. While snorkeling in Hawaii 15 years ago, I swam daily with a pod of 30+ dolphins. Alone. I doubt, that even today would find a company of other human there. Will share a picture if you want :-)
