Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Well, Lizzie May. Time to Earn Your Pay.

It was wonderful when Elizabeth May received a 93% vote of confidence from the Green Party rank and file last month.

She's done a good job but now she needs to up her game. Somebody has to step into the vacuum created by Justin Trudeau.

The prime minister vowed that he would have a climate change plan prepared within 90-days of taking office. Promise Broken. There is still no plan nor any sign that this government that seems to go wobbly when it comes to hard sledding will produce a climate change plan anytime soon.

Somebody has to put forward a plan, kickstart a national conversation about what Canada needs and must do in both mitigation and adaptation.

No one expects Elizabeth May to implement a plan. My party has but one seat in the House of Commons. That said, she can show us what could be done, what should be done and, from that, we can draw our own conclusions about why Trudeau is so reticent.

Let's talk about Canada's carbon budget. Let's explore the paltry returns we get from Tar Sands development in terms of value and jobs per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions. Let's discuss the merits of our federal government shelling out $34-billion a year in subsidies to the mostly foreign energy giants. Let's talk about the future Canada we'll bequeath our grandkids, the challenges they'll face and what we can do to help them meet conditions unlike any we've known in our lifetimes.

Bottom line - let's do what Trudeau said he would do, what he should be doing, but what he isn't touching. If he wants to make himself and his government irrelevant to this conversation (and he's doing a brilliant job of that so far) that's up to him.


  1. I have great confidence that Elizabeth May will properly push the issue. I also have frustrated confidence that Trudeau and crew will ignore Elizabeth May. [Insert profanity here.]

  2. "Elizabeth May Goes Where Trudeau Fears To Tread"
