Saturday, June 04, 2016

The Poster Child for Climate Change

No tough science here. Warmer atmosphere, more water vapour. Juicier storms. Warmer Arctic atmosphere; slower, more undulating jet stream that can "park" severe weather systems over one spot for days (thinking of you, Calgary).

You might not have noticed this, especially if you're in drought, but we've noticed that our rainstorms are heavier now. Two years ago we had a rainstorm, 18-minutes from first drop to last, that had cars floating down the main street. That was a seriously Biblical-grade deluge.

Which brings us to the Lone Star State, where they know to the very bottom of their Old Testament hearts that global warming is a hoax. The city of Houston to be exact. Here's what "the hoax" has brought the good people of Houston - now and then.

"Houston, we have a problem."


  1. We will most likely be assured by the Bible thumpers of the Lone Star State, that they now know to the very bottom of their Old Testament hearts that the deluge is caused by trans gender bathrooms.

  2. You'd think all that rain in Texas would force a re-evaluation, Mound.
