Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Harper's Folly Goes Back to Work

No, it's not Mike Duffy and it's sure as hell not Bruce Carson or the gaggle of backroom miscreants. It's senator Patrick Brazeau and, after three years in exile, he's going back to work today.


  1. Harper has left the building, Mound. But his ghost is still there.


  2. You're absolutely right, Owen. It's too bad that Harper's legacy is the willingness of the Liberal government to adhere to his policies.

  3. Hapercon appointees have made a mockery of the Senate - but that was the point.

    Brazeau, Wallin etc should all resign as they are worthless pieces of excrement only perpetuating the myth that the Senate is useless....

  4. Given Brazeau's attendance history, "going back to work" may be a bit of a stretch.

    From Wiki - "Brazeau did in fact have poor attendance on the Senate floor: the Senate attendance register showed that he was absent for 25% of the Senate's 72 sittings between June 2011 and April 2012. He was also absent for 31% of the meetings of the human rights committee, where he is deputy-chair, and for 65% of meetings at the Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples, on which he sits."

