Saturday, March 25, 2017

I Think This Captures the Mood

 I was struggling to find words to describe the misery of the Republican party in the wake of yesterday's fiasco on health care reform. Then I twigged to something out of the past that fits like a glove:

Like a bear with a raw ass
in black fly season

I think that captures the moment. 


  1. Yes, very apt quote. The bear, of course, is especially symbolic when connected to the Marmalade Hairball.


  2. Which pests are the blackflies?

  3. Partisans are so pathetic. They think their hatred a virtue. It's no wonder "progressive" partisans haven't accomplished a goddamn thing in 50 years.

    In any case, the Democratic party is just as divided as the Republican: corporate Democrats, New Deal Berniecrats and 'People's Party' defectors. Obama's entire 8-year term was one of failures, including his Republican version of healthcare reform.

    Of course, Obama wasn't crying and gnashing his teeth when his promise of Public Option health-care reform collapsed because of fellow Democrats: he orchestrated it!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There's nothing remotely pathetic in celebrating after watching the Republicans blow their foot off after trying to foist a massive tax cut for the rich disguised inside the cadaver of a supposed health care bill. That was the very worst kind of "bait and switch" politics. We all know what the Bloat repeatedly promised his supporters and the American people during the campaign - everyone covered, much better coverage, all at a fraction of the cost of Obamacare. And then the Republicans who, for 7-years promised the public to replace Obamacare with something far better, came up with this utter fraud.

    For you to take umbrage tells me only that you're a bit of a scumbag. Alright, more than a bit.

  6. Neocons bring in big tax cuts for the rich (Reagan, Mulroney, Bush Jr., Harper) and fake liberals bitch about them until their own leader gets power and institutionalizes them (Clinton, Chretien, Martin, Obama, Junior.)

    It's nothing short of hilarious watching Republicans acting irate over Obama's Republican healthcare reform (because it was so lousy and offered a great target for attack) and Democrats praising and worshiping Obama's sell-out threadbare Republican reform.

    In the end, Republican and Democrat partisans are happy with their Republican healthcare plan while 30-million people go without insurance and rates continue to grow out of control.

    Perhaps in 2020 a real liberal will be on the Democrat ticket and get the job done on healthcare reform and reckless tax cuts for the rich which have run up $20T in debt and brought back the Gilded Age.

    (If not, looks like they need another 4 years of Trump. Canada's fake liberals are in for a real treat in 2019. Then we get our own Trump – except he will have absolute corrupt power on 40% of the vote. Junior is going to get slaughtered! Can't wait!)


  7. Re Annon 4.20
    Perhaps in 2020 a real liberal will be on the Democrat ticket and get the job done on healthcare reform and reckless tax cuts for the rich which have run up $20T in debt and brought back the Gilded Age.

    By that I hope you mean universal health care.
    I hope you mean control outrageous prescription costs.
    (If not, looks like they need another 4 years of Trump. Canada's fake liberals are in for a real treat in 2019. Then we get our own Trump – except he will have absolute corrupt power on 40% of the vote. Junior is going to get slaughtered! Can't wait!)

    No chance, in my opinion, as the Conservatives are , as the Republicans, fighting amongst themselves.

    Bloggers intend to look at the world in absolutes!
    The world is much greyer than that.


  8. In the US, the Public Option is a better deal than single payer. (Which Obama promised but was only lying.) This allows people to buy into the publicly-run system.

    With single-payer, the government has to buy out the insurance companies (which are gouging clients.) With the Public Option, the government competes with private industry. This will burn their arses causing shareholder value to plummet as people flee the private industry in droves. And guess what the government owes private companies then? A big fat zero.

    This would be a good lesson for Americans. A prevailing ideology is that private is always better than gubment. But if government tears the private HCII a new one, delivering to people platinum health care at bargain basement prices, then the anti-democratic-government bias (that began with Reagan) will begin to evaporate.

    It will be interesting to see if Trump delivers on his 'Art of the Deal' to rein in absurd prescription costs. (Doing what every other country does.) Bernie Sanders is an idiot on this issue so far. He supported a bill that would allow Americans to buy their drugs from Canada. Utterly senseless. Why not impose the same regulations that Canada (and every other developed country) has that makes drugs a lot cheaper?

    Canada would stop Americans buying drugs here, in any case. (As they did before about a decade ago when Chretien was in power.) This is history pointlessly repeating itself.

    Bernie should be fighting for the same regs every other country has and educating the American people on the issue. (He's usually pretty smart on the issues. Not sure what triggered this particular brain fart. Perhaps he's looking to expose the corporate Democrats who are paid to come out and oppose this kind of legislation. Now that would be some A game.)

  9. I'd feel sorry for the bear. The republicans not so much. Loved the line! made me laugh.
