Monday, June 26, 2017

The Perils of Judicial Partisanship

The U.S. Supreme Court has greenlighted Donald Trump's 90-day Muslim travel ban.

The U.S.S.C. hasn't heard arguments yet. No, arguments won't be heard until sometime in the fall, sometime after the 90-day ban is over.

Does that sound vaguely corrupt to you? It should. Then again this is the same court that ignored the greatest "legal fiction" of them all to declare that corporations were persons complete with political rights.


  1. No arguments for this decision? Have the justices got lazy?


  2. It's an interim decision that, for Trump, has the effect of a permanent ruling in his favour rendering moot the arguments scheduled for this fall. Trump will certainly proclaim it a victory and, as a practical matter, it largely is. This was no oversight by the majority of the court. Perfidy might be a more appropriate description.

  3. Funny how the lower court rulings were cited as definitive proof that tRump was losing. Almost looks quaint now in retrospect, doesn't it?

    Welcome to the new world order... and now to put to rest that other fantasy that many are pouring their energy into ....

    "The plan for Democrats to run against Russia may be falling apart.

    After squandering much of the last six months on faulting Russians for the horrific presidency of Donald Trump…

    After blaming America’s dire shortfalls of democracy on plutocrats in Russia more than on plutocrats in America…

    After largely marketing the brand of their own party as more anti-Russian than pro-working-people…

    After stampeding many Democratic Party-aligned organizations, pundits and activists into fixating more on Russia than on the thousand chronic cuts to democracy here at home…

    After soaking up countless hours of TV airtime and vast quantities of ink and zillions of pixels to denounce Russia in place of offering progressive remedies to the deep economic worries of American voters…

    Now, Democrats in Congress and other party leaders are starting to face an emerging reality: The “winning issue” of Russia is a losing issue."

    from one of your favourite sources

  4. Worth a perusal:
