Sunday, October 29, 2017

Feeling the Heat, Trump Lashes Out.

Whenever Donald Trump's knickers bunch up he hauls out his Hillary Clinton punching bag.

The Mango Mussolini must have a raging case of swamp ass today, fearful of just who is going to be taken down tomorrow by special counsel, Robert Mueller, when the first arrest in the Russia inquiry is made.

Amid reports that the first arrests in Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election were imminent, Donald Trump sent an extraordinary fusillade of angry tweets about the special counsel’s attention to “phony Trump/Russia ‘collusion’” which, he insisted, “doesn’t exist”.

The president sought to focus attention instead on supposed scandals involving Hillary Clinton, demanding authorities “do something”. As he did so, his most bullish defender strove to cast doubt on the reach and integrity of Mueller.

“We have to have the public have confidence in the fact that the grand jury process is secret and, as a result, is fair,” the New Jersey governor, Chris Christie, told ABC.

Christie and Trump aimed their bullhorns at Mueller while the rest of the political world braced for the first arrests stemming from the special counsel’s investigation. CNN, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal have reported that Mueller’s team has filed its first charges under seal, with one or more arrests coming as soon as Monday.

Trump tweeted furiously – without referencing the sealed indictment outright.

“Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton,” the president wrote, floating as supposed Clinton scandals “the uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted emails, the Comey fix and so much more”.

“Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, ‘collusion’, which doesn’t exist. The [Democrats] are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the [Republicans] are now fighting back like never before.

“There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!”

He concluded: “All of this ‘Russia’ talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!”


Media Matters for America reports that Trump's media minions, the cast of FOX News, are also running around with chapped derrieres.

According to multiple reports, special counsel Robert Mueller has filed the first charges of his investigation, and arrests could follow as early as Monday. The reaction on Fox News was swift. Corey Lewandowski said that the focus should be squarely on "the Clinton administration." Fox News host Jeanine Pirro called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up immediately, for Mueller to resign, for deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein to be fired, and for James Comey and more to be investigated. Pirro's statement about Clinton even gave away that it was entirely about changing the subject, saying that it was time to "turn the tables." This is incredibly important because of how much Trump himself watches and takes advice from Fox News. Right-wing media for months have called for Trump to fire Mueller -- and as indictments loom, the real test will begin. Even before the news of the indictment broke, the right-wing echo chamber was trying to muddy the waters. Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity were the main players in ginning up a story about Hillary Clinton and uranium that has previously been debunked. Former Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka even went on Fox News and suggested executing Clinton. That really happened, and the White House even refused to condemn it. There's no question about it: as indictment loom, right-wing media is rabid.


  1. Boy, I hope Muellerween turns out better than Fitzmas. But something tells me I'm going to be the only one waiting in the pumpkin patch for the Great Pumpkin to be dragged away in cuffs.


  2. .. aside from getting elected somehow..
    what does pres Pathetic offer ?
    Rule by Twitter ? From golf carts?
    Running his mouth ? At pep rallys?
    Reading a script off a prompter ?

    That's it ?

  3. No, Sal. Trump offers his base the greatest thrill of all - pissing off libtards! Everything he says, everything he does, every Tweet he sends and every edict he signs is 100% guaranteed to send libruls through the roof. He is Cleek's Law incarnate and they love him for it.


  4. I would love to make fun of the situation but I doubt it will be any more enlightening than the Kennedy assassination documents release.
    By Wednesday we will likely have more conspiracy theories.



  5. That's a fine idea, Trailblazer. Kennedy Redux featuring a giant, exploding orangish gourd. Excellent.
