Sunday, November 05, 2017

America. This Won't Stop Until You Want it Stopped.

Jesus! Another mass killing in the States. This time in a church in a Baptist church in Southerland Springs, Texas. 26 dead, plenty more wounded. Scads of pictures of grieving survivors. Cop cars circling the church.

I don't get it. How did Americans become constitutionally incapable of not slaughtering each other? Is it that goddamned Second Amendment? Are they afraid if they don't freely and generously exercise their constitutional right to arm themselves to the teeth with all manner of battlefield weapons and to use those weapons to turn schools and movie theatres and churches into charnel houses that Second Amendment right may be forfeit? Use it or lose it?

I've lost the plot somewhere. This is beyond my understanding no matter how many theories are spun out to explain it. This is a nation degenerate, a place laid low and by choice.


  1. When the tragic news was broken I viewed the comment section of the US news outlets.
    As you would expect there are the usual god bless them etc but the comments soon degenerated into a Republican vs Democrat smearing contest.
    Considering the current state of affairs within US politics it should not have been a surprise.
    The hate, anger and lack of moral compass in the USA is passing a point of no return.
    The USA is on a road to self destruction much faster than I ever imagined.



  2. I've heard the very same sentiments from two of the three people I discussed this with today, a point of no return now passed.

  3. "Blessed are the piece makers, for they will be called children of God." - unofficial NRA motto.



  4. How a society cannot find the will to stop the slaughter of its innocents - young school children, a theater of movie goers, a church congregation, the crowd at a music concert - is beyond me.

    What does it tell us that these mad gunmen seem drawn to the same targets as Islamist lunatics, the places were harmless people gather.

  5. Opinion on guns


  6. Thanks, TB. It's probably Jeffries' finest bit. I posted it a few years back but it's as valid today as it was then.
