Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Guns for Jesus

New Rule - from now on, as in "henceforth," those who wish to praise Jesus had better be packing heat.

The Cheeto Benito has spoken.  Responding to the latest massacre (I think it's still the "latest") at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the Trumpster opined that, but for the free and generous access to guns, the mass murderer could have slaughtered far more.

Speaking at a news conference in South Korea on Tuesday where he was asked about “extreme vetting” for gun purchases, the president said: “If you did what you’re suggesting, there would have been no difference three days ago and you might not have had that very brave person who happens to have a gun or a rifle in his trunk.”

As he did following last month’s Las Vegas massacre of 58 people, Trump pushed back against the question, calling it a “situation that probably shouldn’t be discussed too much” and noted that he was “in the heart of South Korea”.

Trump added that if “Good Samaritan” Stephen Willeford had not had a gun, “instead of having 26 dead, you would have had hundreds more dead”.

So there's your answer. You want to come to Jesus, you come packing heat. If you can't afford your own gun and ammo well you don't have to bring your own Bible to church, do you? Loaner Glocks will be available in every pew. Get in, sit down, lock and load. Maybe the first hymn could be "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition."


  1. I don't know about you, Mound, but I find it hard to detect even a soupcon of sense emanating from the U.S. these days. It is a failed nation, pure and simple, that unfortunately, due to its size and its history, still commands the world stage. Too big to be ignored, but too unhinged to be taken seriously.


  2. It's hard to see how it emerges from this Lorne. The population is so severely divided. They're easy pickings for those who richly benefit from a weakened populace. I have long suspected that a large segment of the American people has been pretty thoroughly conditioned through fearmongering, propaganda and hot button issues that play to their basest instincts and paranoia. You don't bring people to that state without some purpose.
