Friday, November 03, 2017

Oh Dear. How Will Trump Square this Circle?

Donald Trump screwed up, big time. He forgot to get Congress to repeal the US Global Change Research Act of 1990. And, today, that earned the Mango Mussolini a swift kick in his climate change denying ass with the release of the programme's fourth National Climate Assessment.

From The Washington Post.

The report stands in stark contrast to the administration’s efforts to downplay humans’ role in global warming, withdraw from an international climate accord and reverse Obama-era policies aimed at curbing America’s greenhouse-gas output.

...The report affirms that climate change is driven almost entirely by human action, warns of potential sea level rise as high as 8 feet by the year 2100, and enumerates myriad climate-related damages across the United States that are already occurring due to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit of global warming since 1900.

It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century,” the document reports. “For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence.


Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and President Trump have all questioned the extent of humans’ contribution to climate change. One of EPA’s Web pages posted scientific conclusions similar to those in the new report until earlier this year, when Pruitt’s deputies ordered it removed.

The report could have considerable legal and policy significance, as the scientific matter provides new and stronger support for EPA’s greenhouse gas “endangerment finding” under the Clean Air Act, which lays the foundation for regulations on emissions.

This is a federal government report whose contents completely undercut their policies, completely undercut the statements made by senior members of the administration,” said Phil Duffy, the director of the Woods Hole Research Center.

The government is required to produce the National Assessment every four years. This time, the report is split into two documents, one that lays out the fundamental science of climate change and the other that shows how the United States is being impacted on a regional basis. Combined, the two documents total over 2,000 pages.


Talk of Tipping Points

When it comes to rapidly escalating levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the report states, “there is no climate analog for this century at any time in at least the last 50 million years.”

Most striking, perhaps, the report warns of the unpredictable — changes that scientists cannot foresee that could involve tipping points or fast changes in the climate system. These could switch the climate into “new states that are very different from those experienced in the recent past.”


  1. If our Governor General had said that, she ( no coincidence that she's a she ) would be attacked for mocking religious, fundamentalist, racist reformatories.

  2. Trump will either ignore it completely or bad-mouth it forever. I won't be surprised if he blames Hillary for it.

  3. Proof that Trump can deny climate change. But, try as he will, he can't shut up scientists and he can't deny science.

  4. I'll bet the scientists responsible for the report are now peeing themselves with laughter that the report was published.

