Thursday, November 16, 2017

WTF? Now It's "Pollution Denial"?

Remember those climate change deniers?  Well they may still find solace in the bosom of the CBC but by and large they're now thoroughly discredited. Although they seem to have found new territory to work their R.J. Reynolds magic. This time it's air pollution.

The meme goes like this, "Modern air is too clean." That clean air, just not good for you, nope. If you can't feel the very air you breathe, you're missing out. It's the very sort of thing that appeals to a deviant like Donald J. Trump.

Despite report after report linking air pollution to deterioration of the lungs, heart and brain, Prof Robert Phalen believes the air is “too clean” for children.

After all, everybody needs a bit of immune-system-boosting dirt in their lungs.

“Modern air is a little too clean for optimum health,” he told the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), one of the world’s largest scientific societies, in 2012.

“My most important role in science is causing trouble and controversy,” he added.

Now the director of the air pollution health effects laboratory at the University of California, Irvine, is set to be appointed as a scientific adviser by Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

But Phalen isn’t alone. Pollution denial is starting to appear outside the US, in countries where the air is much more toxic.


  1. The filthiest GHG and pollution emissions come from third world countries. What the sky-screamers don't seem to comprehend is that outsourcing these emissions to countries like China will not actually eliminate them. China happens to be on the same planet with the same atmosphere. It's a scam.

    Global warming wailers are nothing more than globalist useful idiots who think they're accomplishing something by sacrificing their jobs and disposable incomes while globalist oligarchs mooch more and more free money while paying less and less tax.

    Donald J. Trump is right: global warming IS a Chinese conspiracy theory! Just more neoliberal gouging that does absolutely nothing to address the problem. Hopefully after Trump destroys the globalist era, some real experts (not fake on-the-take ones) will provide real solutions (not more looting and fraud.)


  2. Well that was one of the stupidest comments I've ever read, Anon. Yes the emerging economies are major emitters but our own corporations that have outsourced production to those lands are plenty guilty. And, on a per capita basis, we're still well ahead of any Asian nation.

    And no, Trump won't be setting things right, moron. That's just the bullcrap he feeds his gullibillies, your kind. You've been swallowing so much of his crap you've probably come to enjoy the taste. As for DJT, the Mango Mussolini, he's been feeding off your kind of stupid for decades.

  3. Okay, Anon 11:52 AM.

    If we're to accept these reflections on the "globalist era" and recognize that Donald J. Trump has talked without walking the talk for some time from the side of the trade liberalization argument that would seem to favour the slugs who eagerly support him, then how can he now manage to stay there? He seems to lay a vague blanket of blame on "hacks and diplomats" and past governments for problems that have arisen from initiatives generated by AmCham China, the Emergency Committee for American Trade and its Chinese Normalization Initiative and, of course, the US Chamber of Commerce, all supported in their efforts by several decades of concise and expensive libertarian propaganda. Can it be that he isn't aware of the process that has been taking place or is he just either dictating a change in the parameters of the discussion or responding to a direct or implicit command to affect one?

    Particularly, now that Donald J. Trump is taking his marching orders directly from the Heritage Foundation, someone needs to go back and check out its past input to the debate. Then make sure that he understands what's really going on. And if he is capable of obtaining that understanding, then we might be able to determine whether he actually cares about what he claims to care about? Regardless of whatever determination we're able to make on this question, I won't take Trump for stupid. Even now, I take him to be as informed on any question as he wants to be and capable of distinguishing reality from myth. He's probably just a liar.


    Who are the on-the-take ones? What are they taking and from whom are they taking it? Can you provide some description of the process?

  4. I really think viewers should re read the original post!!
    Knee jerk reactions?

    We have exported our emissions which makes all of us in the west very self righteous that we are now cleaner and 'they' are dirtier!

    Donald J. Trump is right: global warming IS a Chinese conspiracy theory!

    Tongue in cheek I suspect?

    Yes the world goes on emitting gross gasses whilst blaming others and suggesting that a carbon tax will change the outlook!

    A carbon tax will be acceptable for the 1% and a little less so for the middle classes but it will beat the shit out of those less fortunate.

    I see a world of baby boomer bloggers who with the comfort of their state or private pensions can 'suggest' or prescribe that 'others' should bite the bullet and pay for their pornemissions.

    None but none will bite the bullet and cry out..
    Any individual should only have access to the energy required to sustain a 'reasonable" lifestyle.
    In other words ;the RATIONING of energy.


  5. Know who's gullible? People who voted for Chretien. He promised to end the hated Mulroney neocon era. Instead expanded on it with the hated neoliberal era. Red Book campaign of lies.

    He also lied about renegotiating NAFTA. Know who's doing that now? Donald J. Trump.

    Who's trying to keep Mexico in the deal so we can export all our auto-jobs to the country - according to economist Stephen Gordon? Justin Trudeau.

    Why did Trudeau leave TPP nations in the lurch raising the ire of Japan and Australia instead of sealing the deal? Donald Trump. Trudeau knew there would be trouble in the NAFTA negotiations if a bunch of parts from Asia were to come flooding over the Canadian border. Trump was, after all, the one who stopped Obama from signing the US on the TPP during the post-election lame-duck session.

    So be sure to thank Trump for Making Canada Great Again by stopping a bribe-taker like Trudeau from further destroying the country with neolib/neocon free trade deals which are nothing more than looting schemes for oligarchs.

    Trump will also save Canada from Trudeau's free trade deal with China. Again, he will shut Canada down if they become a back-door for Chinese goods attempting to void the managed trade deal he strikes with that country.

    Only gullibles support the Deep State's efforts to stop Trump and save globalization - which would remove all ability to regulate global GHG emissions. With economic nationalism - looking out for the economic interests of the people in trade deals and leveraging jobs like the 1960s Auto Pact - governments will be equipped to enforce global GHG emissions using green tariffs. Countries like China need access to Western markets. So in doing this, Trump is doing more to curb GHG emissions than any bribe-taker like Obama and his ridiculous do-nothing Paris Treaty.

    Only gullibles would believe corporate Fake News hysteria - again directed at Trump for trying to stop globalization - that he's a fascist or a racist or "Russian bot" or whatever other ridiculous nonsense. You neo-progressives are neocon and neolib useful idiots. You are sleeping with the enemy. You are aiding and abetting the enemy. You are your own worst enemies!
