Thursday, March 01, 2018

Whatever Happened To - Rudy?

He was Donald Trump's Prince of Darkness. Rudy Giuliani, America's Mayor, and, during Trump's presidential campaign sometimes called the shadow director of the FBI's New York field office.

It's suggested in Michael Wolff's book, Fire and Fury, that Trump was desperate to get Rudy into his administration, probably as attorney-general or appoint him to the Supreme Court, but was persuaded that Giuliani might be a problem for the new president.

There was an incident during the campaign that has been largely forgotten when Rudy blurted out on some cable news show a thinly veiled suggestion that a major breakthrough on the Clinton emails was but days away. That, of course, raised the prospect that Rudy was being given illegal access to the FBI investigation. He retreated like a scalded cat on that one. (That video is no longer available on YouTube)

While Giuliani has pretty much gone to ground in recent months it's hard to imagine that he's escaped the notice of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators. It turns out that, like most characters near and dear to the Mango Mussolini's heart, Rudy also has long-established ties to Russia.

MSNBC contributor Scott Dworkin recently speculated that Mueller may have an indictment with Rudy's name on it.

Rudy Giuliani is about to be implicated in the Russia scandal. He used to have Russia’s Alfa Bank as a client. The guy who was indicted today [Dutch lawyer, Alex van der Zwaan, who pleaded guilty] his father-in-law is co-founder of that bank. Rudy is a key player in all of this. Probably why he’s not Attorney General. #TrumpColluded— Scott Dworkin (@funder) February 20, 2018

It should absolutely be pointed out here that Dworkin is the Senior Advisor of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, so to say he has a horse in this race would be a major understatement. At the same time, much of what Dworkin has reported on in regards to President Trump and his connection to Russia since the 2016 Presidential Election has been accurate, and has come to fruition. In other words, this is not just Sean Hannity throwing out a random “Lock Her Up!” comment regarding Hillary Clinton.

Giuliani does have a relationship with current Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that dates back at least 14 years (photo above is from 2014 in Moscow).

Giuliani was paid to give a speech in Moscow in 2008 at an Alfa Bank awards ceremony titled, “2008 Alfa Bank Award for Excellence in Foreign Investment in Russia,“ and Trump’s email server and its alleged communication with Alfa Bank has been a large topic of discussion for the past year. 


  1. Considering Rudy's your gone to ground line should be gone to mattresses. Just saying.


  2. Hey, Willie. I suppose you're right. I hope somebody gets Giuliani on something.
