Sunday, July 01, 2018

Happy Canada Day

Made it under the wire, barely. While I'm pretty ambivalent about the whole "Canadian" thing these days my family and most of my friends remain devoted Canuckleheads.  And so, in the spirit of the day, I send you this:


  1. Nothing,to me, sounds more Canadian than this.

    Enjoy your day.



  2. I do love that song, TB. Unfortunately no Canadians were involved in the voyage of Franklin.


  3. Ditto for Fraser, MacKenzie and Thompson and all the Scots who were instrumental in opening the far north for the Hudson Bay Company.

  4. Canuckleheads? Naw. Canuckistanians! Go Canada! 🇨🇦


  5. The Mound of Sound said...

    I do love that song, TB.

    Canada is but a collection of it's history.
    You dwell upon the battles with the USA ; what about the first nations influence not to mention the others from the Orient that came not to build a country but to better themselves?

    I'm just happy I live in the best place in the world.
    Waving a flag will not improve it.


  6. .. if you have not read this..
    its an astonishing tale of exploring Canada..
    becoming 'one with the innuit'

    Its also an astonishing reveal of the duplicity
    and vindictiveness of Franklin's widow
    and the English royal court
    English naval officers are never cannibals !
    haha.. !

    I believe there is a film as well..
    a 30 minute doc.. but the book simply slays
    The Scot, John Rae was a giant of fortitude

  7. .. we know how 'history' gets written or twisted, thanks to Omar Khadr.
    The testimony of the senior American officers who were present
    during the firefight.. which included Wartog & gunship strafing
    the vaunted 'Puff the magic dragon'
    500 pound bombs dropped, infantry charges..
    grenade launchers.. the kitchen sink
    tell a different tale and chronology
    from that ofStephen Harper, Peter McKay & Main Media
    All those noted military experts & hysterical Afghan 'historians'
    who lied their asses off to save a government from defeat
    Hell, there's an American GI Joe claims Khadr blinded him in one eye
    despite the fact he was airlfted out by chopper, an hour prior
    to the infamous grenade purportedly hurled by an unconcious Khadr
    buried under bombing debris

    But today I offer you the old newfie/irish courier de bois legend
    whereupon a legion of Yankee cavalry was dispatched to seize Upper Canada

    The story goes, a lone vagrant was spotted atop a hill
    The senior officer sent two men on horseback
    to bring the miscreant in for questioning

    They went over the hill.. never seen again
    the miscreant however reappeared and howled obscenities
    Off went a small platoon to bring him in..
    over they hill they went, never seen again

    The miscreant reappeared and hurled crude rude noise
    off went a full brigade to round him up..
    over the hill they went and terrible sounds of battle & carnage
    Finally one wounded cavalry officer crawled back into sight..

    'stop ! go back ! Its a trap !
    There's two of them !

    Welcome to Canada.. eh !

  8. Good one Sal! It seems that we may well be at war with the 'Yanks' again the way things are going 'down south'!

  9. Despite our faults, there are real advantages to living north of the 49th parallel.

  10. Owen there truly are advantages to living north of the 49th, among them not having to live south of the 49th.


  11. And, Owen, stay in touch. Let us know how you're doing.
