Thursday, August 02, 2018

It's Prime Minister Slick versus Old Grannies

This is Justin Trudeau's doing. It's the path that he chose. He'll get weak knees when major carbon emitters, such as the cement industry, whine about carbon taxing, but he's got no problem steamrollering little old ladies.

Yes, this is about the Justin Trudeau Memorial TransMountain pipeline. Prime minister Slick, refreshingly freed from all his campaign promises about climate change and First Nations consultation and social licence, has evolved into a full-bore bitumen pimp now. But he's not going to get his way without a fight. Which brings us to Laurie Embree.

A 70-year-old B.C. woman has been sentenced to seven days in jail after she and several other protesters blocked the gates to Kinder Morgan‘s oil terminal in Burnaby, forcing a halt in construction.

Laurie Embree, a resident of 108 Mile Ranch in the South Cariboo region of B.C., was among nine people arrested on Tuesday for their blockade, according to a press release from Protect the Inlet.
In her statement to the court, Embree said it was her duty to protest unjust laws. 
“Your Honour, I have lived my 70 years abiding by the law. But, if we look back into our history, there have been many times when our laws have supported injustices,” Embree said. 
She proceeded to cite 18th century laws supporting child labour, 19th century laws permitting slavery and 20th century laws that called for Indigenous children to be taken away from parents to argue that laws that support injustices need to be challenged.
Embree said the pipeline project “supports an industry that is not just harming children, or black people, or women, or Indigenous peoples.

“Your law, in fact, is supporting an industry that has been scientifically proven to be harming the whole world and every living thing on it.”
...Protect the Inlet said it anticipates more seniors and retirees to join the protests in the coming weeks, when construction on the contentious Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project is expected to ramp up.
Trudeau, with his endless and ongoing trail of lies and broken promises, has legitimized civil disobedience. With the world on fire and facing a perilous and uncertain near future, Laurie Embree shows that she has all the integrity that Justin Trudeau only pretended to have.


  1. A true exemplar and inspiration for all who care, Mound.

  2. The caustic comments to Embree's actions on the Global website shows and proves that those that oppose tarsands and other carbon culture incentives are fighting an uphill battle.



  3. And that's as enormously dispiriting as it is predictable these days, TB.

  4. They're planning on building a daycare at the end of my quiet one way street. They'll have to chop a few trees down but the worst part is going to be the noise and traffic. This woman has given me the strength to fight back. I'll chain myself to a tree when the construction crew shows up.


  5. Anon, do you really think a daycare is going to be that disruptive?
