Sunday, October 28, 2018

Michael Harris - Why Andrew Scheer is Unfit to Become Prime Minister

In his latest piece for iPolitics, Michael Harris writes that "Scheer's promise to stand up to media an absurd and shabby fundraising ploy."
Does he think ‘Andrew Trump’ will sell in Canada? 
Last week the Toronto Star reported that Conservatives are set to go ‘for the jugular’ in the 2019 election. Nothing wrong with going for the jugular in politics. 
But the jugular ought to belong to the government of the day, not the press. It is the government that comes up with policies and passes laws. It is the media that reports and opines on them. Accusing the media of siding with the Trudeau Liberals is nonsense. 
Sounding like a spoiled brat rather than a political strategist, Scheer whined that everyone is in the prime minister’s pocket — media, pundits, academics. 
Apparently he doesn’t read the National Post, the Toronto Sun, Maclean’s, or peruse the reports of the Fraser Institute. There is fawning aplenty for the Conservative cause in this country.
Scheer would drag Canada down Trump Alley.
On the merits, Scheer’s promise to “stand up” to the media is absurd — and nothing more than a shabby fundraising ploy. 
But his timing is a political abomination. Choosing to mimic Donald Trump’s war with the U.S. media in Canada, and to do it in the immediate wake of what CNN described as 72 hours of “American hate,” shows why Scheer should never be prime minister. 
In three short days, murder and mayhem took centre stage in America. Citizens there are less than two weeks away from voting in critical midterm elections that could bring profound change to Washington. 
But it is these emotional depth charges, these bloody events, not policy or congressional performance, that may drive the result. The U.S. is a democracy and a society in crisis because fear might win out over facts. Given his comments on the media, Scheer would try to take Canada in the same direction. 
And what a direction.
Aping the Odious Orange Orangutan is a stupid ploy for the Tory wannabe but it's also an important lesson for undecided voters. Scheer is a political bilge rat and he'd like to drag us all down there with him.


  1. Scheer's got less to fear from the media than he does from Mad Max and Da Boyz from Da Beauce.



  2. Do you really think Maxime is going to get that movement off the ground, Cap?

  3. Me thinks Hamish's advice has suddenly become toxic.


  4. I did get a bit of a giggle when sheer-desperation said Paul Wells was liberal.

  5. Replies
    1. More Rebel Nazi's,

    2. Hamish Marshall is Scheer's adviser - unless I'm out of date.


    3. Not out of date. Scheer's still relying on his Pet Nazi.


  6. Did he really say that Rumley? Wells, a liberal?

  7. I live in hope, Mound. Mad Max doesn't have to win any seats to cause trouble for Scheer.


    1. Mad Max has hit the ground running in Sask.

  8. Scheer is just the latest of 'dividers' vying for office.
    It's not just the Excited States of America that is dividing into the tolerant vs the less tolerant .
    Division is the new politic that is going to cause us and our children many problems in the future.
    You can only be the strong man for a while!
    Sooner or later you will have to vent your frustrations upon someone other than your own subcultures and less fortunate.


  9. The bottom line: the Conservative Party of Canada is intellectually bankrupt.


  10. What a goddamned mess. At least it's on the right - for now. I don't know if Maxime has an 'inner Preston' to draw upon.

    I didn't recognize "Hamish" which is a reflection of how I've distanced myself from the cut and thrust of Liberal/Conservative politics. To me the distinction is that one is slightly less useless to the nation than the other.

    1. If you can't tell the difference between the Party that's glibartarian on economics and climate change, and the Party that's crawling with Nazi's, you might be part of the problem.


  11. Thanks, Jay. You may have a crystal ball but the rest of us can't tell what profile of radicalism will develop in Scheer's or Bernier's parties. A bit early yet to come up with glib assessments, no?

    1. Not when UCP and Scheer's CP have staffed up with actual Nazi's, run Nazi's as Cantidates and keep inviting uniformed Nazi's to their Meet and Greets.

      Mad Max on the other hand is advancing a "Nationalist" anti-"Globalist" platform. Where have we seen that lately? And what are the results?

      So far, Mad Max has only been photobombed by Nazi's, and endorsed by Nazi chat rooms, but it's early yet, and he's still bankrolled by Uteriine Nazi's.

      It's not hard to see where this is heading when AntiRacist Canada is part of The Progressive Bloggers blogroll.

  12. I am so disappointed because Mound...Far correct. It isn't difficult to Understand. Sunday past was just such a downer for me. I went to this Church to sing in a Choir...trained voice and all that. The Minister's sermon was disastrous and extremely disturbing. UCP Candidate Steps Down After Receiving Illegal Corporate Donation from Alberta Car Dealership. 'A deliberate strategy to avoid the limitations of the elections financing law,' NDP official says. In a letter to Lorne Gibson sent Tuesday, NDP provincial secretary Roari Richardson said the groups worked together to circumvent campaign finance rules. This Minister says to everyone in the congregation he is a Conservative and mentioned there are loop holes in Alberta's program of limiting support for political parties and then says, it is okay for the UCP to have done what it did via the "loop holes". That is not one bit ethical...I could not believe what I heard. So yes. We are in great need of a non-violent revolt in this country before it goes to far and we end up like the USA. Anyone on this blog every read Joseph Gobbles and his letters? S i c k e n i n g. Anyong.
