Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Scotland the Brave

Scottish Power, more than just another utility. The company even has its own pipe band, UK champions for 2018.

The Spanish-owned, Scottish utility, has now moved to windpower, alternative clean energy, selling off its last gas and hydro-electric plants.
Scottish Power has ditched fossil fuels for electricity generation and switched to 100% wind power, by selling off its last remaining gas power stations to Drax for more than £700m.

...While it has many onshore, the firm’s growth is in offshore windfarms, including East Anglia One, which should take the crown of the world’s largest when it opens in 2020. 
However, the company’s 5 million domestic customers will still be supplied with a mix of green and brown electricity, with some bought from other coal and gas power plant operators. 
The ScottishPower chief executive, Keith Anderson, said: “We are leaving carbon generation behind for a renewable future powered by cheaper green energy.” 
Asked why the firm was selling off its hydro assets too, given they generate green energy, he said that it was partly because they were in the same company as the gas plants and made the sale simpler.


  1. Windy today in Nova Scotia. Across the straight, windpower produced 105% of PEI's demand today.


  2. It can be done, Rumley. If only we had the courage to put down Big Fossil. Time for Schellnhuber's "induced implosion."

  3. Now how is that for those Atlanticers? Seems they can show the rest of the country.


  4. Scotland, that's sort of the far side of the Atlantic. As for pipe bands, the best in Canada is and has been for years the Simon Fraser University band from BC.

  5. Yeah, but we haven't been world champs in a few years. I think the Scots got a shock back a ways when we took it back to back and pulled their collective socks up.
