Sunday, January 27, 2019

And They Wonder Why Trump Skipped Dinner?

Washington's elite Alfalfa Club annual dinner was held tonight. Trump shuns the event but attendees were surprised when Pence and his wife along with Jared and Ivanka failed to take their places at the head table.

John Kerry, the outgoing president of the club, greeted his successor, Mitt Romney, and then proceeded to launch a few zingers:
"I got to tell you, you all look incredibly dapper tonight in your ball gowns, your tuxedos, your bow ties and your cummerbunds, or as we call it at our house: workout gear. Or as we call it at our other house: pajamas. Or as we call it at our other house: swimming costumes. But tonight it looks like I've done something Donald Trump can only dream of: finishing my term." 
"Donald Trump could be the first President to go to the inaugural of his successor in a limo with license plates made by his campaign manager." 
"I think we've all noticed, there's been a lot of turnover in this administration. Secretary (Ryan) Zinke was fired. Reince Priebus was fired. Rex Tillerson, Gen. McMaster, Jeff Sessions -- all fired. One thing you can say about the Trump people -- they're not quitters. Wilbur Ross is here. I want to thank him for taking care of dessert. He went to the kitchen and said, 'Let them eat cake.'"


  1. Doesn't sound like Kerry has developed much of a sense of humor in the 15 years since he blew the 2004 presidential election and gave us 4 more grueling years of the Iraq War, torture, rendition and a little bump in the road called the 2008 financial crash. But hey, he's married to a multi-billionaire so I'm sure life is pretty good for him. Probably the only pompous scumbag out there who did more to "cash in" on his Vietnam service was John McCain.

  2. On that score the Duke had both of them beat.

  3. Interesting read for you Mound,

  4. Karl, don't blame Kerry for what the Republicans did after defeating him. That's just fucking cheesy, Kolchak. Shop that shit somewhere else.

  5. Well, I had a damn good laugh on the first run through, and then re-read (Kerry's) remarks twice, and still find it humorous. Very good. Quite clever, and unexpected. Maybe Colbert can have him on and raise his own hackneyed approach somewhat.

    Then I got to the first comment. Now there's someone with not the faintest clue bloviating away humourlessly. Lighten up and have a guffaw, man - the rest of the news is relentlessly awful.

