Thursday, February 28, 2019

Gerry Butts In

Trudeau's recently departed principal secretary, Gerald Butts, reportedly is asking for a chance to appear before the Commons Justice Committee.


  1. And now “as the stomach turns” continues.



  2. Yes, I believe you're right, UU. Sadly that will drag this out with Liberal support bleeding along the way.

    The only one who can fix this, and I'm not remotely confident that he can, would be the prime minister. If he cannot clear the decks and soon, for the sake of the party in the looming election, he must consider resigning.

  3. I wonder who would step up and take over? Jody ?

  4. He asked for time to gather the necessary documents. What a fool, bringing facts to a case based on rumour and opinion.

  5. Maybe I am just being selfish Mound (I am in Mexico enjoying the sun and beer for three months), but as avid wonk I must say that this issue is the only issue I have never wanted to watch, discuss or even see. It appears to be a huge mess of 'gotcha' and exploited by the pundits and a media that will only be satisfied by larger ratings.

    I don't know how it will end, or care but I am sure that joe and jane porch can't care either but in their trumpiest desire to deliver the knockout blow to the pols who are in their way to a better life chaos cannot come soon enough!

    Unfortunately it will result all of us, this time next year, asking "How did this idiot Scheer ever win an election!"

    Well back to the cervezas!!


  6. Ben, you have captured our predicament from the best angle - southern/Mexico - and perspective - cerveza. Enjoy. I wish I was there.

  7. Jody Wilson-Raybould could make for an incredible Prime Minister. If this thing took Junior down.

    How many scene-sucking politicians are actually going to stand up to government corruption? They don't come along very often.

    (Like The Donald. He doesn't take bribes because the pay is not good enough. No wonder the corporate Fake Media HATES him so much!)

    Of course, Ms. Wilson-Raybould might also be in the club and decided the pay wasn't good enough. She didn't want to do Trudeau's dirty work for nothing.

    In any case, Prime Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould sounds like great bet. Like with The Donald: what do you have to lose?
