Sunday, March 03, 2019

Why We Cannot Escape Neoliberalism - Ask Machiavelli

Machiavelli would have understood that we've trapped ourselves.


  1. Some are describing this age as the arrival of a neo-feudal order, an era of indentured servitude. We are servile. You can see that when you stand on a downtown street corner at lunchtime and see all those affluent, educated people staring into their phones.

    We didn't fall into these two hostile camps by accident. That's a measure of effective grooming. Consent today is manufactured.

    Even attempts to resist this by reaching out, trying to connect by means such as blogging, are pretty feeble.

    This hyper-partisanship that besets us on the right but also on the left is undermining our society. Social cohesion, the glue that binds us, dissolves. We become angry, fearful, hostile at the very same time and by the very process that renders us weak and vulnerable. That is the path to servility.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more, Mound. For whatever reason, informing citizens about the reality of their situation seems to do little good. We are a people who no longer dare to dream.

  3. I agree with you both. The strings have been pulled and we are, at least most of us, either the puppets with our right hands in the air celebrating the nihilistic razing of ALL (including the planet we live on) or the one's who think differently but realize that the forces are too strong and we're heading down the turnpike to the desolate hamlet of Fuckedville, Earth, Population, 7.5 Billion and counting.

    I would only add that the phrase "informing citizens" is no longer possible. Hundreds of channels, millions of blogs, the info-Twitter assault, click bait, the human tendency in hopeless times to gravitate towards hatred and fantasy - these and so many other market-worshipping distractions have made the very definition of "information" a utterly alien concept.

    Check out the pod on who caused this mess at Comments, critiques most welcome on FB!

  4. Not to worry, Tariff Man is here!

    He is whipping the neoliberal, neocon, neofeudal global-oligarchy into shape!

    It's definitely a difficult and dangerous job giving how many gullible people find safety in servility to the corporations who deceive and abuse them.

    But nothing worth fighting for ever comes easy!

    Tariff Man is shining the light of truth on the Orwellian Old/New World Order: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, WILLFUL IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

    Tariff Man is ending the wars, freeing the slaves and exposing the mountain of manufactured ignorance which has allowed the High Born to rape and pillage the globe the past 5 centuries.

    "The gig is up." –Tariff Man

  5. And yet thousands of kids are marching in Hamburg, Brussels, the Hague and other places.

  6. Tariff Man is an elixir for morons, Anon. At a time when the US economy is notionally booming, this ballsack of a president implements tax cuts for the rich that will add $1.5 trillion to the national debt and leave the government financially gutted when the next recession hits sometime this year or early next. You have to be fifty shades of stupid not to understand the damage he is inflicting on America.

  7. Canadians are lazy when it comes to calling for atonement from Government or anyone else unless one has a huge bank account. Instead they like to leave it to in the young people of Europe. This garbage begins in places like Churches; families and schools. Open your mouth as a Canadian and learn what retaliation means. Anyong
