Monday, March 04, 2019

Well He's Still Got Dame Cathy - I Think.

Do you think Justin made a mistake when he went for that gender-balanced cabinet? So far he's had two prominent cabinet ministers resign, Jody Wilson-Raybould and now Jane Philpott.

You see, guys suck up this sort of thing. Resigning on principle, when was the last time you heard of a guy doing something that rash?

The question now is whether there are others contemplating leaving Trudeau's cabinet.

I had figured this might be one of those messes that, given enough damage control and time, could fade from voters' minds over the summer recess. Hey, it saved Harper's bacon more than once.

Justin is still mulling over J W-R's fate. He's not sure whether to turf her from the Liberal caucus to which, for reasons that are beyond me, she wants to continue to belong. It also appears her riding association expects her to contest the October elections as a Liberal.

It's hard to imagine, after Philpott's resignation, that Trudeau has the cojones to make an example of Jody.

Jane Philpott's resignation will leave no cabinet minister untouched. Others can expect to be forced to explain why they're not acting on principle. The public mood isn't good.


  1. The wheels appear to be falling off Trudeau's bus, Mound. He's mishandled all of this badly.


  2. I don't know how JT can regain control over this, Owen. Until Philpott I didn't believe his ox was gored. He's got Canada going to the moon. That didn't work. Then it was climate change messaging. That doesn't seem to be working either. The party faithful, resorting to Fox News lingo, insisted this was a non-scandal, a nothingburger. Jane Philpott put an end to that.

    After Harper, Canadians wanted vision. They got platitudes and empty promises. Despite a hefty majority, the Trudeau Liberals failed to deliver.

    Do you think he'll resign or will he lead the party into an October fiasco?

    1. JT will lead the Libs into a contest of lesser-evils. May the least bad leader win.



  3. The only way to make changes to anything is to remain and demand change. Good for Jody! What about all that money owed to Canadians from hidden bank accounts? There is much to be accounted for in this country...a heck of a lot. Anyong.


  4. You may be right, Anyong, but there does not seem to be much appetite for accounting from either main party. I just don't think he was ever ready for the job. He vaulted to the leadership on the strength of a legendary name he was never able to grow into.


  5. You can always vote Green, Cap. I would even encourage it.

    1. I did that a couple of times during the Harper regime, Mound. My current MP unseated a Con in the last election, but is otherwise a lackluster Lib backbencher. I've enjoyed Tim's finest at some of his riding open houses, and he's more interested in selling the virtues of the party than in championing local concerns. Things did not go well when I asked him why the Lib version of the assisted dying bill fell far short of what the Supreme Court envisioned.

      Depending on how the local race shapes up in the fall, I could easily vote Green.


  6. I read and read and come away with wtf, we could end up with Scheer!!
    On the bright side we seem to have some principled females within government.

