Tuesday, May 07, 2019

A Giggle from the Washington Post

I was reading a few of the comments to a WaPo story on the measles when I had the good luck to stumble across this one. Enjoy

"How anti-vaxxers sound to the rest of us: I once almost choked to death while eating food. I did my own research, and discovered I’m not alone. Thousands of people choke every year while eating, and hundreds of those people die. That’s why I don’t feed my kids. It’s dangerous. Now plenty of people will point out that food supposedly “prevents starvation”, and that might be true; but it’s not fair to completely ignore all the dangers that food poses, like choking, allergies, gingivitis and garlic breath. I’m just saying, do your own research and decide what you think is best for your kids. If you choose to give your kids a potentially dangerous food that’s your problem, but as a parent I don’t think the government has any right to tell me that I need to feed my kids."


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. That about sums it up, Mound.

  3. Yes that is exactly what this world needs , less stupid people feeding their most likely stupid children. It will come to a point where the climate and environment gets so bad the powers that be will decide to manually delete most of the population to save their desired utopia. Them all on top forever and the slaves they saved from destruction at their feet where they belong.

  4. Jonathan Swift -- contrary to popular belief -- lives.

  5. To Owen
    Yes I immediately thought about that
    babies eating poison vs eating babies...

    To Mound (still waiting for that impeachment to begin?)
    the best explanation of the Russia-gate complex I've found.

  6. Actually, a non-vaccinated person has an advantage in a high herd immunity environment.
    Very likely will not get a disease and will avoid rare vaccination side effect(s).
    Selfish but practical, welcome to human behaviour 101.


  7. Which is why, Anon 6:02, we need to segregate them so they can't both endanger civilized society while simultaneously benefiting from someone else's contribution. The ancient Greeks called it ostrakismos, the practice of ostracizing individuals from their society. It was employed both as a punishment, after the fact, and preemptively. Worked then, it should work even better today.

  8. What do I make of Justin Trudeau...he is a "not" head.
