Wednesday, May 15, 2019

And Let the Chips Fall Where They May - BC Plunges Into Money Laundering

And, when those chips fall, a lot of them will probably land at the feet of the former BC Liberal governments and their premiers, Gordon Campbell and Christy Clark.  My guess is there'll be an overflow that will reach straight into Ottawa.

British Columbia's NDP government has directed a public enquiry into the province's rampant money laundering scandal.
Premier John Horgan announced the decision Wednesday after a cabinet meeting in which his ministers debated the pros and cons of an independent commission of inquiry into how criminal organizations have laundered dirty drug money through the provincial economy. 
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Austin Cullen was appointed to head the inquiry to look at the full scope of money laundering and its impact on real estate, gaming, financial institutions, the corporate and professional sectors as well as regulatory and law enforcement hurdles. 
Cullen will be given the power to compel witnesses and order documents be disclosed.


  1. The "Vancouver Model", what a thing to be known for.

    Skiing, wind-surfing and money-laundering. Good grief.

  2. Hooray at last! A glimmer of hope that justice of some sort will be served, some time. I'm still waiting on Elizabeth Bennett's May 3 review of the Plecas Exposure.

  3. So does Alberta.

  4. I wanna see some BC Liberals twisting in the wind. Let's crush those bastards so hard the next election largely sees the NDP and Greens duking it out alone.
