Thursday, May 09, 2019

Bigot Beyak Booted

Tory senator, Lynn Beyak, has been given the boot.

Beyak was suspended from the Senate for refusing to remove racist letters about First Nations from her web site.

Beyak has said she believes the letters — some of which describe Indigenous people as lazy, opportunistic, pampered and inept — are not racist but rather "edgy and opinionated." She said they are part of a larger discussion she is trying to foster in Canada about the positive experiences of residential school students.
Oh dear. Where will they find another racist Tory? Oh wait, just about anywhere.

Unfortunately Beyak will be back. The suspension is limited to the current session of Parliament. With an election six months off she'll miss a few paycheques but that's about it.


  1. I don't know how you can be so flippant at the news that another free-speech martyr has fallen. This reichs to high heaven of leftist persecution!

    Surely what's needed is a shrine at Harper's Memorial to the Victims of Communism, where right-thinking volks in hard-hats and yellow vests can worship. Senator Beyak's name should be proudly engraved alongside those of Ernst Zündel, Bill Whatcott, Jim Keegstra and other righteous truth-seekers! If only Doug Christie were around. He'd find a way to get justice for Lynn.



  2. She's a piece of work, ain't she Cap?

  3. Lynn Beyak. harper's idea of a classy member of the chamber of sober second thought as any one of its inhabitants like to remind us whenever a microphone or camera is nearby. Just a little PR to keep those cheques rolling in.

    Oh, and from Wikipedia, a gesture of support from the dilettante ex-felon non-Canadian who likes to lecture us all from great heights within the upper reaches of his refugee forever temporary status mansion:

    " Sen. Beyak's position was supported by Conrad Black stating that "Most of the teachers in those remote schools were dedicated people who believed in what they were doing and were trying to prepare their charges for full participation in Canadian life.""

    Well, that's all right then. The Lord of Crossharbour tells us so. Prepare their charges for full particpation in Canadian life - there's your racist bilge delicately hidden by words. The reality: "Lose your laguage kid, no you can't go home, we're going to make you into a Canadian like me". Talk about white man speak with forked tongue.

    Disgusting that Beyak cannot even understand the nastiness she spews - it's beyond her ken. The pity is there are untold thousands just about as bright, and we can be sure they vote Con.


  4. Haw, haw, haw, hoo, hoo, hoo.

  5. "Most of the teachers in those remote schools were dedicated people who believed in what they were doing and were trying to prepare their charges for full participation in Canadian life."

    I think that it could be a factual statement, especially when "most" and not "all" is included. One cannot judge people living many decades/centuries ago by today's norms. Lets face it, feeding Christians to lions in the Coliseum was rather a standard in entertainment.

    The task of merging two very distinct civilizations, each separated from other by more then 4,000 years in development, could not be made simple, trouble free or painless.

    As for letters, they are racist because they do not point to the cause of dysfunction so prevalent in the Canadian Native population, namely destruction of Aboriginal society and culture.
