Friday, August 09, 2019

All You Ever Needed to Know About America's Sleazebag in Chief

One photo captures the grotesque sleaze who serves as America's president. Donald Trump and Melania using a baby orphaned in the El Paso massacre as a prop for a 'thumbs up' photo op. 

For some reason the name Ceausescu comes to mind.


  1. I think it was Carol Burnett, playing a celeb. After the photo op she threw the baby in a garbage can.

    Funny 30 years ago; tragic now.

  2. What trash these low lifes are. There simply are not enough bad names to capture these two repulsive creatures.

  3. The Donald released this himself. The King of All Media makes no gaffs. This is a kind of reverse dog-whistle. Red meat for his political enemies! Get them all riled up in sanctimonious self-righteousness.

    Just like a boxer wants to anger his opponent before a fight. The more hot-tempered, the more likely to come charging like a bull – right past the red cape into the matador's sword!

    The Donald's message to his opponents: you want to exploit this senseless tragedy for political gain? Here you go! Have some more! Let's see if you can fool voters with it in 2020. I'm betting you can't!

    Trump is doubling down on his opponent's political strategy against him! One could think of the 2020 election as 'The Big Short'. (Art of the Deal, baby!)
