Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gee, They Love to Walk in Parades. So, Where Were They Yesterday?

What politician, especially when running for election, can pass up a crowd?

Justin loves marching in parades, pressing the flesh. Andy is not as polished but he doesn't pass up opportunities either.

So where were they yesterday as terrified and angry young people demanding action rallied in major cities around the world, including our own?

Wouldn't that be a perfect opportunity to get up before the kids and let'em know that you've got their back, that you'll be there for them, and that ensuring they have a viable future is your top priority?

But what would they say? How would they explain pipelines and bitumen, their determination to rapidly expand the climate-wrecking petro-economy? That sort of candour might turn those kids feral.

No, yesterday's protest rallies were no place for any Liberal or Tory. Those parties are not, shall we say, "future friendly."


  1. I don’t believe that I saw anything about Elizabeth May parading around either. I probably just follow the wrong media.



  2. Well, UU, of the three - Trudeau, Scheer or May - which do you think might not be jeered had they attended? Cap'n Pipeline? C'mon, you know.


  3. Oh, lookee, lookie UU. Lizzie May chose the climate strike to stride straight into the lion's den - Calgary. Then again what did you expect?

    Where was your boy? How does that sit with you? That's your team.

  4. But what about the economy.

    Alberta is the economic engine.

    We all feel for the Albertans have lost their jobs

  5. We need an economic engine that doesn't run on dirty oil.

  6. Mound - please provide a link. As I said, I didn’t see anything in the media I follow ... including your blog.

    Trudeau is not “my boy”. I have told you that numerous times. I just hate seeing someone who is obviously a nice guy trying hard to keep this Confederation together. He’s a pragmatist in a world that appears to distain someone that tries to find compromise.

    Have you read Arron Wherry’s book “Promise and Peril”? It is not a fluff piece. And, Alberta is as much a lion’s den for Trudeau - although I’m not sure why. Trudeau has done more for Alberta than Harper ever did.

    And, why did that first brownface picture get sent to a US publication (Time) by a Vancouver businessman while Jason Kenney and Doug Ford are meeting with business groups in the US saying how provinces have been electing Conservative governments that disagree with the current federal government in Canada? There’s a lot more going on here. If Scheer gets elected, we’re fucked in ways you haven’t even imagined.




  8. Thanks. I missed that,


  9. .. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.. Sedaka & Greenfield
    New York Times reports (haha) 'thousands marched'
    Well, actually One Million souls in Berlin alone
    (when did millions shrink to thousands ?)

    Perhaps Scheer, May, Trudeau had hot breakfast, lunch & dinner dates
    Can't speak re Singh..

    Breaking from bitumin aint so hard to do folks..
    cuz aside from some jobs, and too many temp foreign workers
    Bitumen nor Alberta really are not 'the engine of Canada's economy'
    BC's tourism dwarfs it, so does our growing green conomy
    or maijuana.. haha.. Have a toke Jason.. seems you need one

  10. yes indeed! Where they....?? No mention of this in Alberta by any Cons at all. Anyong


  11. You would have thought any environmentally concerned leader would have the photo op of appearing in support of kids protesting for a survivable future to be irresistable. What leader would not want to support those young people, to let them know they have their back and will do everything possible to spare them such horrible lives in the decades ahead?

    Not Justin Trudeau. Not Andrew Scheer and, as far as I can discern, not Jagmeet Singh either.

    Sometimes what we don't do is more telling than what we do or say.

  12. Canada represents 1.6% of total emissions. While important, there are other issues that also need to be addressed. Do you have a job? Can you afford your rent? Hallway healthcare? etc ...


  13. No mention of this in Alberta by any Cons at all. Anyong!!

    It was not in the National Post therefore it did not happen.
    Add to that , Doug Ford made no mention of it so again May's appearance is suspect.
    Never happened; must be the fake news guys!

    Jokes aside; if we only have one political party batting for us , we are in deep shit.



  14. Geez, UU, that must have touched a nerve. Canada - yes our wee, not to be noticed, Canada ranks in the Top Ten for overall emissions and well within the Top Five for per capita emissions in the industrialized world. Once the Trudeau Memorial Pipeline to tidwater is up and running those numbers will be even worse. UU, you deny that you're in the bag for the Trudeau Libs but you're not fooling anyone.

  15. .. I'm trying to shift more of my personal attention eastward ho.. Yes Yes, Ottawa has gone toxic, Quebec is seething, PEI leads the planet in shellfish culture, New Brunswick I'm in total darkness about, Nova Scotia I have a glimmer, Newfoundland & Labrador same.. tho I never kissed a cod in my life, I have been kissed by a male Newfie several times, and Cape Breton Island remains a fog bound mystery, though my son and I jump started an amazing documentary E-Book set there. Without insulting Manitoba or Saskatchewan.. or beautiful BC.. what is it about Alberta and bitumen that is so damned special that they trashed Ms Notely to get Mr Wonderful Jason Kenney.. and the shouting and tumult and screetching is getting annoying (to me, here in the placid flatlands of mid Toronto) Apologies to The Territories too.. I'm in the dark there too, aint been there.. and know 'dick'.. who did I leave out ? Last I looked, this country is big wide and wide open.. 'we the north' .. sure .. but we're bigger than basketball.. we're not 'big' .. we need a whole new vocabulary re size, scale, scope, reality.. of being Canada.. we astonishing

    Pro Advice - Salvation For The Nation aint gonna come from Ottawa. Nope, not from Jason Kenney. Justin aint 'the answer' & Andrew Scheer aint even got a glimmer. Jagmeet ? Nope.. Ms May ? Nope - Maxime Bernier - oh don't make me laugh.. so where from ? Whom ?

    It comes from the crowd.. maybe a young lady or laddie who blurts out
    'look, the emperors are naked' .. holy hell, the crowd starts murmuring

    Forget the blackface, that Scheer is a creep, or whatever.. the answer aint there in partisan warfare.. its going to come from our growing and coming generations.. and I hope it gets real loud real soon. I'm boom generation old stock yesterdays news.. and even I can see it and need it.. even more, I have to back it, promote it support it.. 'it' is them.. 'it' is spaceship earth 'it' is not financial wealth or evergrowing economy. 'it' is getting our heads out of our asses and getting onto staving off environmental disaster. I believe Dr Weaver in BC needs to be heard.. He is a 'Climate Scientist' and last I looked none of the ususal Federal suspects are.. including our so precious and promiscuous Premiers

    So look for that young lady or young laddie.. with a clear voice..
    I certainly am ..

  16. Don't get your hopes too high with youth.
    I can remember the youth that stopped the Vietnam war.
    Passionate and aggressive they were at achieving their goals.
    Eventually success came their way.

    Time passed , then they voted for Trump!


    The world will be a better place without the baby boomers.


  17. Sal, your comment was uplifting until I read TB's. I'll be off now. Time to open a vein.

  18. .. well, TB has a point.. but here's mine
    Leave the world as a better place .. aint that the point ?

    and one other point.. I'm a Canadian..
    I want to help look after my backyard, our backyard
    That was the advice from Paul Watson - Seawolves
    That if everyone looked after their own backyards
    and left the heavy lifting to folks like him.. things would work out

    I cannot do anything regarding American issues
    yet I can and will work on my backyard.. that I can do
    and its one hell of a big amazing backyard.. aint it ?
