Monday, October 07, 2019

Anyone Want to Bet Trump Isn't Augering In?

Check out 'the Donald's' tweet about Turkey and the precarious fate of Syrian Kurds.

I didn't believe that even the Mango Mussolini could do this.  I checked. He did. We can only hope that, wherever he lands, it's a vacant field.


  1. The Kurds have nothing to fear. Steiner's assault will bring the Turks under control.



  2. Like he pushed the Russkies out of Berlin?

  3. Exactly. Let's hope he follows orders this time.


  4. Dump is a Mad Man. No idea of war or the consequences. This is simply a deflection. The Rat is trapped and getting more unhinged.


  5. I was surprised to learn that US ground forces packed up and stole away into the night without so much as a "by your leave." I guess Trump wanted a fait accompli.

    Reminds me how the BEF packed up and left the French flank exposed when they scurried off to Dunkirk. Then they blamed the French.

  6. Gee, Willy, thanks for the heads up. I could have used a bit more warning. I don't stand much chance now of finding a florist still open in Red Square. How am I supposed to make this up to Vlad?

  7. King of Kings, Lord of Lords Donny is losing the Christian Taliban:

    "The President of the United States is in great danger of losing the mandate of Heaven if he permits this to happen." - Pat Robertson

    An invasion by Turkey into NE Syria would pose a grave threat to the region’s Kurds and Christians, endangering the prospects of true religious freedom in the Middle East. — Tony Perkins

    I expect Mango Mussolini will find reverse gear faster than an Italian tank crew, just like he did last year.


  8. Funny Mound: I thought of the helicopter and the US embassy in Viet Nam .


  9. He might, Cap, although he seems unduly beleaguered lately and loathe to show any sign of weakness - to the Republican faithful in Congress. Then there's the "dummy factor." Maybe he's angling for the presidential "Section 8," an Article 25 ouster.


  10. Another image I have burned into my mind, Rumley. I think he's got the Manhattan DA on his mind today.

  11. Cap, I think Erdogan fancies himself, alternately, as the reincarnation of Ataturk or the great Ottoman Sultan Suleiman. In times of strife you can rarely go wrong by falling back on blaming the infidels.
